10 Best Games Like Portal That You Should Know Update 07/2024

Games Like Portal

It’s difficult to come up with a list of the top games like Portal. In spite of their age, Portal and Portal 2 are so clever, intuitive and delightful that it’s difficult to replicate the formula. The blatant rip-offs are a far cry from the originals, while the variants on the theme fall short of capturing the spirit of the originals. In any case, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best Portal clones right here for your convenience. Here are some of the greatest games like Portal and the best games like Portal 2 that are currently on the market.

1. Q.U.B.E. 2

Q.U.B.E. 2

Because of its first-person perspective and single-room puzzles, Q.U.B.E. was compared to Portal. To progress through a level, you used a magic glove to click on colored blocks placed strategically across the environment to remove them, creating platforms and ramps along the way. In the end, it appeared sterile, and the promising notion was never fully realized. With stunning visuals and a slew of new puzzle-solving capabilities, the sequel Q.U.B.E. 2 lived up to its predecessor’s promise.

The sequel’s universe is divided into separate stylish zones, such as a forest and a laboratory, in contrast to Q.U.B.E.’s basic white chambers. Additionally, you can use magnets, lay down oil slicks, activate fans to lift you up, and ignite combustible doors in addition to the basic block pulling from the original game. It doesn’t take long for your brain to become so big that you’re cocky about it.

2. Antichamber

Because the solutions are rational and follow a logical progression, Portal’s brilliance stems in part from the confidence in its rules. When you use colored cannons to place cubes in Antichamber, you can see some of that logic, but the game really comes to life when it ignores the rules of reality. A combination of optical illusions and physics that bends the mind are at the heart of the game’s abstract challenges. It’s a good idea to leap from high places and run across dangerous ripwires in the hope that something exciting will happen: and more often than not, it does.

3. The Talos Principle

The Talos Principle

Redirectable energy beams and pressure plates, as well as ever more challenging riddles, are all contained within their own separate zones. Is this something you’ve heard before? The Talos Principle combines the greatest aspects of various puzzle games, including Portals, into a unique experience. Open doors and uncover secrets with the use of beams, fans and electrical jammers while soaking up the philosophical story of the game.

Despite the narrative’s focus on a central tower, what really sticks with you is what happens on the periphery. Its philosophical monologues about human nature and artificial intelligence are as thought-provoking as the game’s physical problems. With no words, it works well as a simple logic game, with challenging quizzes that will leave you stumped for half an hour or longer.

4. The Stanley Parable

As with Portal, The Stanley Parable features an all-seeing narrator who is both a friend and an enemy, and who also uses a similar game engine and even some spoken lines.

You’re in for a treat in The Stanley Parable if you’re a fan of the interaction between Portal’s protagonist and GLAADOS, which is a lot like a puzzle game. Voices react to your actions in real-time, with amusing, entertaining consequences, and the narrative unfolds in real time. It’s your decision whether or not to follow the narrator’s instructions and enter the first open door on your left to return to business as usual when he says, “Stanley took the first open door on his left.” If the narrator doesn’t like it, don’t worry about it.

5. The Swapper

The SwapperDeveloper

The second-best puzzle-solving rifle out there. Swapping your consciousness into a clone is as simple as clicking the Swapper’s name, which creates a copy of your own consciousness. As many as four clones can be created, and they’ll operate just like you, making it easy to push blocks and pull levers. With the ability to switch between them, you can hurl your creations across rooms and even walk them over cliffs if necessary in order to get to the next obstacle.

To add to the ponderousness of the puzzle, the continual death of both the real you and your clones, if you can even remember which one the “real you” is, is provided by the derelict spacecraft setting. The problems keep getting more challenging, with colored lighting that prevent you from cloning and areas that change gravity. As a result of its sturdiness and thoughtfulness, the controls still feel comfortable.

6. Quantum Conundrum

Is there a more fitting follow-up to Portal than Kim Swift’s own creation? For her first post-Valve game Quantum Conundrum, she drew inspiration from Portal’s gameplay.

Professor Fitz Quadwrangle’s nephew solves puzzles by shifting between parallel realities, which alter the properties of objects in various ways. Everything becomes light and fluffy in one dimension, making it possible to move large blocks of metal around with fans while still being able to pick them up. When you throw a box and race across the room to collect it before it reaches you, time slows down. When these two worlds meet harmoniously, the results are stunning. While the tale isn’t up to the level of Portal’s, the puzzle-platforming is.

7. The Turing Test

The Turing Test

Unlike Portal, the Turing Test doesn’t need as much mental effort, but it’s still a challenge to think about. For the most part, you’ll be tasked with figuring out how to open doors by manipulating switches and floating blue orbs, which offer just the right amount of resistance without being too challenging, which might just be your sweet spot.

When you play as Ava Turing, a scientist on an icy moon of Jupiter, you have to walk the halls of a space station while being guided by the Technical Operations Machine (T.O.M.). To really appreciate the game’s analysis of free will, you’ll need to stick around for a significant story twist that occurs approximately two-thirds through.

8. Portal Stories: Mel

This series has been the source of numerous projects by fans, some of which have grown into full-fledged video game franchises themselves. If you’re looking for the best of the lot, go no further than Portal Stories: Mel, a gigantic free mod for Portal 2 that serves as an unofficial eight-hour prequel to the game. There are no tutorials, so you’re thrown right in with the coloured gels and all, because it believes you’ve already played the original game. You have to figure out where you can place portals and how to best use them to figure out the challenge in parts where it feels more freeform than Portal 2.

It features full voice acting and an early prototype of the portal pistol that appears like it was made out of basic office supplies in the ’50s at Aperture Science. Like the actual thing, we adore it.

9. The Witness

The Witness

Because of how fantastic it is, we couldn’t leave it out of this list, even if there are just a few similarities between The Witness and the Portal games (both are atmospheric puzzle games set in first-person and constantly overlay new ideas on top of previous ones). The Witness, on the other hand, is a long, winding, and meditative experience that allows you to leave riddles alone and return later if you can’t solve them.

In each of the game’s 11 zones, there are certain guidelines for how you must finish each of the problems. As a result, you’ll have to work them out for yourself, and the answers often come when you’re in a completely different zone, marveling at its breathtaking scenery, or even trying to sleep at night. It’s the kind of game you can’t stop thinking about, even when your screen is off.

10. Ibb & Obb

If you’re a fan of Portal 2’s co-op campaign, we recommend Ibb & Obb for you. It’s not nearly as amusing, but it takes the same level of cooperation and effort to accomplish. Using gravity-swapping portals, you and a companion can platform your way through stages by bouncing off each other’s heads.

You’ll want to fly through portals as fast as you can at times, just like in Portal, so that you may soar out the other side. If you jump at just the correct moment, you can even knock your companion off their feet. Even while the game’s night stages, in particular, can seem insurmountably difficult at times, the anguish is well worth it when you complete the game’s final challenge.