7 Best Intellivision Games That You Should Know Update 07/2024

The Intellivision was made less than a year after the Atari 2600 came out. Mattel’s “intelligent TV” brand was the first real threat to Atari’s market dominance, and its ads were very good at highlighting the Intellivision’s technological advantages. The Intellivision was the first console to have a 16-bit processor and the first to have games that could be played on the go (via the magic of cable TV.) Other new things included a voice synthesiser and a control pad that could move in 16 different directions. In writing, many of its features were more impressive than they were in real life. Its graphical power attracted millions of customers, and third-party developers like Activision and Imagic made games for the console. Even Atari and Coleco made games for the system, even though they already had their own consoles.

Lock ‘n’ Chase



It was a big thing for Pac-Man back in the early ’80s, and after that, a lot of games about mazes came out. In this game, Lock ‘n’ Chase, there was a twist on the genre. It is a game in which people play as thieves who try to steal money and other valuables from a bank. Pac-Man had power-ups that let him eat his ghost enemies, but there isn’t one in Lock ‘n’ Chase. Players can’t eat the police officers, but they can try to slow them down by closing doors in the maze. Closing doorways can stop the police for a short time and slow them down. It’s also possible for people to trap themselves so that they can take a break from being chased by other people. Lock ‘n’ Chase is a little more complicated than Pac-Man, but it’s still very easy to play. As a criminal, you’re bound to have some bad things happen to you.

Beauty and the Beast


In 1982, Coleco was the only company that could make Donkey Kong for home consoles. With their new ColecoVision, they made a great version of the game. This isn’t all: Coleco also made a port of the game for the Atari 2600 and Intellivision. These ports were known to be bad. They have been called a thinly-veiled attempt to make the ColecoVision version look better in comparison to the other version. For Intellivision fans who want to play Donkey Kong, Imagic’s Beauty and the Beast would be a good place for them The hero of the game has to climb a tall building in order to save a pretty girl from a stupid animal. When it comes to the game, the gameplay is as close to the real thing as it can be. This movie has a very good pace. There are times when the game feels like a WarioWare-style minigame. It’s possible for your character to jump off a skyscraper and fall 10 screens to the ground below. He will start climbing again right away. When something is going on, it doesn’t stop.

Shark! Shark!

Shark! Shark!


You might think that a game called Shark! Shark! would set a high bar, but it lives up to its promise of sharks and fun. This excitement is made even more exciting by the haunting music that plays when the menacing shark shows up. Players start the game as a minnow who is trying to stay alive in dangerous waters. By eating smaller fish, players can grow and one day become full-sized fish. As you get older, there are more places to eat. The same thing happens when you move up the food chain. Jellyfish and killer seahorses are more likely to attack you as you rise up the food chain. Most games at the time only asked people to get a high score, so seeing a character’s appearance change as the game went on was very new in 1982. It may look like the game is about sharks, but the real story is one of survival and personal growth. Some people look into things too much. Both ways, it’s a good game.



Peter Pepper’s Ice Cream Factory and Super BurgerTime were not very popular. BurgerTime was a big hit in 1982, but the games were not very popular. Diner was a console-only sequel to BurgerTime. It was only available on the Intellivision. Isometric stages are more complicated than the flat stages in the game’s predecessor, so it changed them. The game still had a taste of Burgertime, though. To make hamburgers, players kick large meatballs down a set of ramps and onto a big plate at the bottom of the screen. The meatballs can also be used to fight off the enemies who are always on the lookout. If you kick the meatballs in the right place, they can kill a lot of people at once. Players are encouraged to plan ahead instead of relying on their reflexes. When Peter Pepper works at a restaurant that was designed by M. C. Escher, food monsters are trying to kill him. I don’t know why, but he seems to have bad luck. Nonetheless, Diner was one of the most popular games for the Intellivision.




People still went to arcades for games in the early 1980s, and they still made most of the money. It was because of this that many home consoles relied on ports of high-profile arcade games. When Pitfall! was made, it was one of the few games that was made from the ground up with the home market in mind. This allowed for a much longer adventure than most arcade games could offer. When Pitfall! came out, most games were still played on a single screen. You can imagine how impressive a game with a whopping 255 screens must have looked. In your search for treasure, you’ll face a lot of things to avoid, like tar pits, quicksand, rolling logs, snakes, and scorpions. You’ll also have to swing on vines to clear gaps and carefully cross ponds by hopping on the heads of hungry crocodiles to get to the other side. Pitfall! looked better than most 2600 games. It had sprites that were multi-colored, didn’t flicker, and moved well. The graphics weren’t quite as impressive by Intellivision standards and a lot of gamers found the Intellivision controller to be unwieldy in comparison to the Atari 2600 joystick, but Pitfall! is still a fantastic game and I’m still amazed Activision was able to get so much out of a measly 4KB.

Atlantis (1982)

Atlantis is the first game on this list of the best Intellivision games of all time, and it starts it off.

Listen, Atlantis might be a dream, but this old arcade game was real enough.

The lost city was found at the bottom of the ocean. People are now trying to attack it.

When a fish person buys an Apple AirTag, everyone knows where Atlantis is and wants a piece of it.

So, who is attacking Atlantis now?

Gorgons, of course.

Atlantis’ outer defences are in charge of the gameplay. Players shoot down enemies before they can get into the city and destroy all of the impressive buildings and architecture inside.

During this game, there is no end. When all of the buildings fall down, the game over screen comes up. People who do well might have to change their plans for the rest of the day.

B-17 Bomber (1982)

B-17 Bomber

B-17 Bomber is on our list of the best Intellivision games ever made. It brings World War II to your living room without any of the fear or danger.

The type of war I don’t like is this.

B-17 Bomber: Players take the controls of a plane as it flies over the English Channel Choose a target in Europe, fly to it, bomb it, and try not to get shot down while you are there.

As you can see, it isn’t easy. It will be more difficult and take more fuel to do a job that is farther from home.

When you’re playing this game, there’s a lot to think about. You have to keep your eyes on the bomb bay while you drop your charge on the target. When you go to a new place, you usually also have to fly the plane to and from the place.

The most important thing is that you keep your wits about you when you’re out and about. 😀 This isn’t a game.

It is… But you already know what I mean.