8 Best Immersive Games That You Should Know Update 07/2024

Best Immersive Games

Every now and then, a game comes out that people want to play for hours on end. Games with an open world can be exciting or frustrating and boring. The size of a game’s world can be both its best and worst feature. On one end of the scale, some games have huge maps that take a long time to move around.

But if the gameplay is focused, open-world games can be very immersive and have a lot of ways to play them. These maps are amazing in how real they look. Whether you like or dislike the following games, they are among the most popular. Let’s look at some of the best and most realistic open-world games.

Death Stranding


Many fans were sad to hear that master game designer Hideo Kojima would no longer be working on the critically acclaimed Metal Gear Solid series, but they quickly got over it when they heard that the famous creator was opening his own studio. Death Stranding was his first game as a designer who didn’t have to work for a company.

Even though some people might find it a bit avant-garde, Kojima’s world is amazing, especially from an immersion point of view. Players take control of Sam, a “futuristic delivery man” played by Norman Reedus, who is known for his role in The Walking Dead. Even though the game is very strange, it is also very entertaining (although some may find it hard to enjoy its quirky gameplay). It’s worth a look, even just to see how big the world is.


Before Shenmue came out for the Sega Dreamcast in 1999, open-world games were still in their very early stages. While most developers were still trying to figure out how to go from 2D to 3D, Yu Suzuki was busy making one of the most immersive and realistic video game worlds ever, and he did a great job.

The game takes place in the late 1980s and lets players explore parts of Yokosuka, which is a small city in the Kanagawa prefecture of Tokyo. All of the NPCs they will meet have full voices and well-developed personalities and daily routines. Even the weather in the game is based on historical data so that it fits with the time period in which the story takes place.

Ghost Of Tsushima

Ghost Of Tsushima

Ghost of Tsushima takes players much further back in time than Shenmue did. Shenmue showed what life was like in Japan in the 1980s, and its sequel showed what life was like in Hong Kong in the 1980s. Sucker Punch Productions’ epic action-adventure game takes place on the island of Tsushima in Japan during the Kamakura period. It tells the story of a samurai named Jin and is one of the best-looking games of the PS4 era.

Ghost of Tsushima is even more impressive because it was made by a studio in the West. In fact, Yakuza’s creator, Toshihiro Nagoshi, once said that the game was a great accomplishment and that he was surprised by how true to history it is. The game’s attention to detail is really impressive, and it helps draw players into its beautifully designed open world.

The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

The Legend of Zelda series has always been about exploring and going on adventures, and it has had open-world parts ever since it came out in 1986. But it wasn’t until almost 30 years later, when Breath of the Wild came out, that the game’s creators really bought into the idea of a fully open world.

Since Ocarina of Time, no Zelda game has sold as well or been as well-liked by critics as Twilight Princess. The size of the map can be a little scary at first, and some parts of it can feel very empty, but the game’s sense of freedom makes it a must-play, not just for fans of the series, but for anyone who likes to go on adventures.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Kingdom Come Deliverance

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is one of the most realistic video games of the last few years, even though it has some technical problems. The level of detail in the game is very impressive, and it does a great job of showing how people lived in the early 1500s. It also has a great story with well-written characters that are easy to remember. This adds to the feeling of immersion that players get.

People who want a historically accurate game set in the Middle Ages won’t find much better than this one, and anyone who does try it will find it hard to put down. Fans will be hoping that this is just the first of many great Kingdom Come games, as a Switch port is currently being made and rumours of a sequel are starting to spread.


People often criticise Rust because so many players shoot at anything they see and raid other people’s bases. Even though this can make things hard for new players, it’s kind of what you’d expect from a post-apocalyptic wasteland, and it makes the open-world of the game a lot more immersive because of it.

At the end of the day, the radiation zones and animals that have been exposed to radiation in Rust don’t pose much of a threat to people who know what they’re doing. The unpredictable nature of people, on the other hand, keeps players on their toes and makes the experience feel a lot more real than it would have otherwise.

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon Age Inquisition (2014)

Dragon Age: Inquisition came out more than five years ago, but a lot of gamers still remember it with fondness. It was even called “Game of the Year” in 2014 because it was so much fun to play. With a character creator that was very detailed, players could make the perfect person for this world full of fantasy adventures.

One can also choose from a variety of classes, each with its own set of skills and weapons. There are so many different kinds of wild wizards and angry warriors that it’s hard to know where to start. On top of that, the worlds are so big that players can get lost in them.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

All signs point to the fact that Deus Ex games are immersive cyborg sims. In Human Revolution, you play as Adam Jensen, a former cop who is now the head of security at Sarif Industries, a company that makes cybernetic prosthetics and augmentations. You were hurt in an attack on the research division, and your injuries were so bad that you could only be saved by a lot of cybernetics. You didn’t ask for this at all.

Putting aside Adam’s existential problems, the cybernetics give him fun ways to interact with the world, and the first-person view is made to look like your character’s retina. The world feels real, especially when you get strong enough to pick up extra-heavy objects or snoop around. Hacking into computers to read other people’s emails is rude, but it makes the world feel real.