9 Best Games Like State Of Decay That You Should Know Update 07/2024

Games Like State Of Decay

When State of Decay was released, gamers were split between two camps. There were some who hated it, while others praised it to the moon and back. It’s a full-blown RPG disguised as an open-world zombie survival game, which many players didn’t know. Those who pick it up hoping for an unlimited supply of zombies to shoot and slice off their limbs will be let down by the lack of variety.

However, if you’re a fan of role-playing games, you’ll love this game. If you lose concentration, you’re likely to die in this grueling and challenging game.

Assuming you’ve found your way here, you’ve likely completed the game and are seeking for something new. I’ve put up a list of some of my favorite video games, including titles like State of Decay.

1. State of Decay 2

State of Decay 2

Try the sequel to State of Decay if you enjoyed the first one. State of Decay 2 improves on the original game’s formula in every imaginable way. A larger terrain and an increased focus on cooperative gaming are two of the game’s new features. You can either join a group of friends to take on the undead, or you can go it alone. You have the last say.

Improvements have been made to fighting mechanisms. It’s no longer clunky. The game gets repetitive, but it’s still enjoyable.

After slaughtering the infected and rescuing a random survivor, you’ll go on a series of divergent journeys. The post-apocalyptic game relies heavily on companion management and crafting. The people you just spared won’t have much time to live if you don’t pay attention to these factors. It’s also important to note that when they die, so do all the necessary enhancements. A little overwhelming at first, but the game gradually introduces you to its intricate features. It’s an exhilarating experience once you get the hang of it.

2. Dying Light

Getting lost in Dying Light’s environment is a breeze. This is a game that at first appearance doesn’t appear to need a lot of time and effort, but you’ll soon find yourself climbing the rooftops and devising new ways to kill zombies.

Once you’ve completed a brief lesson, you’re free to roam the city, which has been infected by a mystery illness. Only a few people leave the safety of their homes to help others out, as going outside is a death mission. Because you’re one of the last remaining ‘runners, the city’s future is in your hands. To save the world, you must go out and scrounge for supplies and sharpen your making abilities.

Even after 100 hours of play, I still find myself returning to this game. A parkour mechanic that rivals the Assassin’s Creed series is what keeps the gameplay fresh and exciting.

At night, the game becomes a survival horror experience. It is now possible for zombies to climb walls, run faster than you, and evade your attacks. The moment they catch sight of you, you’ll be gone in an instant. When you’re truly afraid for your life, the fun is over.

Since its debut, Dying Light has been a long time in the making. Even though it’s been a long time since the last update, this game has remained popular thanks to Techland’s generous upgrades and expansions. It’s time to die. One of the few games to receive a “overwhelmingly positive” rating on Steam, The Following was published three years after the release of the original game and received critical acclaim.

If you’re looking for some fast-paced, high-intensity multiplayer action, check out the game’s newly released Battle Royale mode.

3. The Division

The Division

Ubisoft’s The Division is a third-person MMORPG set in a shared environment where you can play alone or with others.

As one of Ubisoft’s most ambitious projects in recent years, it was touted as such by the company. However, the game was released with very limited material and in a bad form. Fortunately, Ubisoft kept releasing new patches and upgrades. After two years of development, the game is far more polished than it was two years ago.

Because of their bullshots and graphical downgrades, Ubisoft receives a lot of criticism. Even if we don’t always agree with it, it’s important to recognize and appreciate any positive effort. A lot of progress has been made in a short period of time.

Combat mechanisms, for example, have seen some enhancements. The complexity of the game’s skill trees is astonishing once you get your teeth into them.

The Division is one of the top games like State of Decay because of all the mysteries to solve and zombies to kill. You may play this game for as long as you want because of how addicting it is. Although it can be a bit of a slog at times, the rewards are well worth the effort.

4. Left 4 Dead 2

Third person shooter with cooperative gameplay developed and published by Valve on Xbox 360, PC, Linux, and Mac in 2013.

It’s a bloodier and more vicious version of the original Left 4 Dead. There are many cooperative shooters out there, but none can match the intensity of gameplay. You may find it tough to adapt to this game’s pace if you’ve just finished a game like State of Decay. It moves quickly, relentlessly, and without mercy.

You and three other players are thrown into a zombie-infested map together. To succeed, you must not only be at the top of your game, but also rely on your teammates to be skilled with the tools they have at their disposal. You must collaborate with your coworkers.

The plot is thin on the ground. It’s only a cover for all the action and bloodshed that’s going on inside. You can play the campaign by yourself, but it’s more fun if you can bring a friend or two along. Not as enjoyable as playing with AI friends.

Multiplayer mode is the place to be. Be a survivor or a zombie and terrorize the world in this apocalyptic game! It’s impossible to get two identical experiences out of the same game.

5. The Forest

The Forest

Endnight Games developed and published The Forest, which puts you in the shoes of a plane accident survivor in the story. When you wake up, you have no idea how you made it out of the bush alive. Surviving in the unknown forest and among its enigmatic denizens requires constant foraging, building, and exploration.

Prepare yourself for a night of battle by building your gears during the day and preparing for an onslaught when night falls.

VR is the best way to experience authentic horror. As the tension and suspense mount, the game takes on a distinct personality of its own.

You can have a great time playing the campaign alone, but it’s even better when you do so with friends. Some small problems and performance difficulties are among the things I’d want to see addressed. Aside from these minor annoyances, the game is fantastic.

6. Dead Rising 4

Game publisher Capcom has announced that Dead Rising 4 will be their newest and most ambitious game ever. Several of the biggest gripes from Dead Rising 3 have been addressed in this new version For example, the map no longer has the same tightness to it as it did before. In addition, the melee fighting has been enhanced, making it a more pleasurable experience to eliminate zombies.

Because of the graphics, the game is able to stand out from the crowd. The Forge engine has been improved, making the game seem sharper and more vibrant. However, there are still some flaws with the PC’s performance that linger in the memory. Even on high-end PCs, achieving a stable framerate requires a lot of trial and error. Even so, there is no assurance of long-term stability. On a PC with a GTX 1050Ti and an i5 processor, I was able to run the game at 50 to 80 FPS on medium settings.

7. Escape from Tarkov

Escape From Tarkov

Battlestate Games, a tiny Russian firm, produced and distributed Escape from Tarkov. This PvPvE game pits players against clever bots as well as other players. It’s safe to say that Escape from Tarkov isn’t for everyone. It’s a difficult-to-learn shooter with a high degree of difficulty. Hardcore shooters like the Arma series will enjoy this game’s gunplay.

A mercenary in the thick of a civil war is your character. Whether you’re doing it alone or with a group, your goal is to leave the city.

When compared to other shooters like Call of Duty or Battlefield, where death has no repercussions other from the team’s final score, Tarkov is a breath of fresh air. Death in Tarkov, on the other hand, means the loss of all of your valuables and equipment. The only way to get back on track is to start over. a new round of searching, exploring, shooting, and looting. While casual players may find this approach to gaming a little annoying, it also forces you to take this game more seriously and make it more enjoyable.

Pre-ordering one of the four available editions of this game on the company’s website gives immediate access to the closed beta.

8. DayZ

DayZ is a third-person shooter set on an epidemic-ravaged island in the post-apocalyptic future. There is a mystery illness that has infected the entire island, turning everyone into undead creatures. As long as there is no way out of this city, your only goal is to live as long as possible. You’ll join a server with 60 other people and take on the role of one of them. To ensure your survival, you can either go it alone or team up with someone else.

To think DayZ began as a basic Arma 2 mod is astounding. Nothing could have prepared anyone, not even the mod maker, for what happened. According to reports, the mod was so popular that it became a standalone game.

By the end of your playthroughs, you’ll have more than a few tales to tell about your adventures in DayZ. Playing through this game will never be the same because of its random nature.

I understand that some fans are displeased with the length of time it has taken for the game to be released from early access and into the general public. The amount of effort put into this game, however, justifies the length of time it takes to play it.

9. Green Hell

Green Hell

Creepy Jar is the company behind the Green Hell video game. Once you’ve completed a brief tutorial, you find yourself in a mystical rainforest where the odds are stacked in your favor. Everything must be worked out on your own. The learning curve is tough, but once you get the hang of it, it’s well worth it.

Survival relies heavily on the ability to make one’s own necessities. You’ll need to take some time to reflect. As long as you survive in the Amazonian rain forest, your own death is guaranteed. You could go nuts if you don’t do something. After eating a human while on an adventure, your character’s mental health will suffer greatly. In order to survive, how far will you go?

Despite the fact that survival is of the utmost importance, you must also consider your mental health. It can be difficult to strike a balance between the two, but if you enjoy survival simulators, you’ll enjoy the emphasis on tough survival.

Before creating this game, it appears that the developers did great research. In this game, they’ve put everything they know into it. It’s not easy to survive in a jungle game, and this one will put your crafting, combat, and management skills to the test.

While surviving is difficult, maintaining your mental health is much more difficult. It can be difficult to strike a balance between these two, but that’s part of the deal.