11 Best Buy Ps4 Games That You Should Know Update 07/2024

Best Buy Ps4 Games

Those who have a PS4 should play the best PS4 games, because those are the ones that everyone who has a PS4 should play. What’s great is that all of these games can be played on the PS5, with some of them getting a lot of new graphics and performance for free. Many of the best PS4 games are also in the PlayStation Plus Collection, which is a library of games that only PS5 owners can access.

For this list, we’re focusing on the games that made the PS4 what it is today. It doesn’t matter that there are still games coming out for the PS4 because they’re best played on the most up-to-date hardware if you can afford it.

1. Dark Souls 3

dark souls 3

A lot of people tried to make games like Dark Souls because they liked how hard but fair they were. Dark Souls 3 was the last game in the series. FromSoftware’s own game, Bloodborne, has inspired Dark Souls 3 to put more emphasis on speed and versatility, making it a great example of the series as a whole. Dark Souls 3 is not as scattered as Dark Souls 2, and it’s not as rough around the edges as the original. Start here if you want to learn more about the Souls games.

2. Death Stranding

Death Stranding came out this year to a lot of attention. Whether you like Hideo Kojima’s weird stories or can enjoy its “walking simulator on energy drinks” gameplay, it’s a game that will define the end of the PS4 generation. Timefall rain showers, which age and eventually destroy everything they touch, and Beached Things, or BTs, which are spirits of the dead who can’t move on. You play as Sam Porter Bridges, a post-apocalyptic delivery man. There are also Mules, bandits who are crazy because they want packages, Cliff and Higgs, and BB, your Bridge Baby, who helps you stay away from the BTs, as well. Also, Kojima has added a lot of famous people to the game, like Norman Reedus as Sam, Margaret Qualley as Mama, and a whole lot of cameos from his contacts book. You might not always like it, but you’ll never have played anything like it. This game is unique.

3. Final Fantasy 15

Final Fantasy 15

They set off on a trip of a lifetime, but this isn’t a Road Trip. The story of Prince Noctis and his friends is an RPG that blends fantasy and reality with almost balletic ease. It includes huge monsters, classic missions, and conversations about the weather. Final Fantasy 15’s story is crazy and its ending is a real surprise, but it’s still a long, winding road that Square fans have to go down. There’s enough appeal in its big battles and unique quests to entice Fantasy novices, too.

4. Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus

That’s why Wolfenstein 2 has even less tolerance for messing around than its predecessor did. It has more intelligence, uncompromising emotional grit, and silly, hilariously brutal Nazi killing than its predecessor. Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus moves BJ Blazkowicz’s intensely personal war to an alternate 1960s America that has been turned into an ugly parody of itself by Nazi rule. It brings the same aggressive focus on combat and character, but with new relevance and anger. But not all of it is. Customizable dual wielding lets you do even more strategic carnage, just like hatchets and exo abilities do for stealth. Wolfenstein: The New Order is out now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Wolfenstein: The New Order is still one of the smartest and most unique games out there. It’s also big, brawny, brash, and beautiful.

5. Doom


This new version of Doom is worth the name, and it’s the FPS equivalent of a muscular body: it’s fast, powerful, and hits very hard. You wake up as the classic Doomguy and start killing demons again on a Mars colony, with a very interesting story about how you can kill so many Hellspawn. To shoot an Imp with a Super Shotgun and then do a lightning-fast, stunningly violent Glory Kill on the demon who was hit by shrapnel is a primal pleasure. Doom is one of the most fun and fast-paced shooters ever made. It has new features like upgrades and double-jumping that make it even better. Also, you can get it for a great price now.

6. Dishonored 2

The first Dishonored game was so good that there isn’t much room for improvement here in terms of quality. You’re again getting a game full of options and well-crafted narrative stories set in a believable world. Dishonored 2 is set 15 years after the first game, and it adds a second character. You can play as Corvo, the original hero, or Emily, his powerful protege. As before, supernatural abilities like the latter’s grapple-like “Far Reach” add flair and fun, while a small but important improvement to melee combat is that you can now parry and turn it into a non-lethal knockout, which makes killing less of a necessity if you want to be a stealthy person. If you haven’t played the first game, the storyline doesn’t make sense because you don’t know what’s going on.

7. Rise of the Tomb Raider

Rise of the Tomb Raider

Lara Croft, who made her PlayStation debut two decades ago, is back with another must-have round of combat and challenging but fun puzzles in Rise of the Tomb Raider for the PS4. She goes through Siberia in an attempt to finish her father’s work in the lost city of Kitezh. The platforming and zip-lining mechanics take Lara to places she’s never been before, and not just in terms of the game itself. Choose to buy it on PS4 and you get all the previous DLC, a new co-op Endurance option, and the single-player Blood Ties game. And you should pick it up.

8. Fallout 4

This is because Fallout 4’s great gunplay and crafting systems can make you sick with RPG-itis if you play it on PS4. There’s a Stimpak for that, so don’t worry about it. This post-apocalyptic world has so much to do that it’s almost scary, and you’ll often get sidetracked when you find something good or bad on your way. To make things even better, the main character now has a real voice. The new companions and customization options are also a big help. You won’t be able to leave your house for weeks because of the size of the wasteland in Bethesda. It’s not without flaws or vaults. You’ll never want to leave the Wasteland if you get the complete version of the game. It comes with a lot of extra DLC.

9. Death’s Door

Death's Door

As a crow and a person who takes souls, Death’s Door has a dark tone from the start. What you might not expect is how the game opens up after one of your souls is stolen. You’re then faced with a wide range of different, complex levels with a lot of secrets to find.

Prepare to fight to the limit of your abilities, or to get your equipment from your dead body if you can’t. The enemies in this mysterious place don’t hold back. But even though the journey may be rough, the story that comes out is sweet in its own macabre way.

10. Axiom Verge 2

When the original Axiom Verge came out 10 years ago, it was one of the best “metroidvania” games ever made. This sequel is even better!

There is a lot to explore in this game, just like in the first one. As you travel, you’ll come across roadblocks. You’ll find the tools you need to get over them at the end of other paths, so if you’re having trouble, look around.

If you have a variety of weapons, you might be able to make your way through and find out why you were brought here.

11. Haven


Yu and Kay are a couple who are in a tight spot, so they have fled to a deserted planet to get away from each other. There, in the body of their old spaceship, they plan to build their new home. They will help by working with friendly people on their new world, and they will fight off those who want to break them apart.

If you play Haven, you control both characters at the same time, even when you’re in a fight. This is in line with a game about an intimate relationship. You can do this with a local co-op partner or by yourself if you prefer. Either way, the mechanics of moving and fighting together match perfectly with the tone of the game, which is told through conversations. Plus, the electronica soundtrack is a lot of fun to listen to all the way through.