5 Best Movies About Evolution That You Should Watching Update 07/2024

Movies About Evolution

5 Movies that Screw the Theory of Evolution

Time travel, radiation, or the ability to clone dinosaurs and Arnold Schwarzenegger have all been used in movies to further the plot. In 2001: A Space Odyssey and Disney’sFantasia, evolution is depicted in a positive light. Occasionally, movies show scenes that would make Darwin want to go out and kill all the finches in the world. These movies fall into the latter group and help explain why just 10% of high school pupils understand the concept of a common ancestor and why the general public doesn’t fare much better. Top five movies and their evolution myths are listed below.

5) Waterworld (1995)

Waterworld (1995)

Kevin Costner’s 1995 aquatic adventure would not be complete without a mention on any list of film mishaps. The polar ice caps have melted in a time period referred to as “Gore’s wet dream” in the film, which is set around the year 2500. What does Kevin Costner need to do to adapt to the changing environment? He’s got some kind of mutant gills and webbed feet that let him go faster or anything. His mutation is merely a result of his body’s adaption to the changing Earth’s environment. It’s possible that the mutation in the movie isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

4) Planet of the Apes (2001)

Planet of the Apes (2001)

Original Planet of the Apes (1968) and its sequels have been remade numerous times. The basic idea of the films is that humans and apes share a deep bond. People believe that because apes are intelligent, they should no longer be mistreated. Apes are depicted as having human intellect and smelly paws.

While evolution is frequently invoked as an explanation, such as when Charlton Heston’s character asks, “How did this come to be?” A planet in which humans have descended from apes? Two remakes use evolution as a story mechanism, but only in those two films. So what if the originals were set in a future Earth where humans and apes co-evolved? This film does take place in the future, but because of the time travel paradox, we see the apes from the first film return to a planet in the year 1970, where they raise an army against humanity. In spite of the fact that both remakes use evolution, it is only in Rise of the Planet of the Apes that a convincing evolutionary explanation is given, even if it is still a huge stretch.

Evolution in motion.

These chimpanzee pilots have not been bred for intellect; they are merely normal chimpanzees that have been trained to perform simple aviation tasks. The apes “came out to be tougher and smarter than [they] imagined” after the space station crashed on the planet, according to the movie. The apes unite and eventually take over the world as a whole. Because space chimpanzees are smarter, apes have evolved into bipedal and speaking beings after thousands of years. There will be no future generations that will inherit the chimp’s training, thus they will simply be normal non-space chimpanzees. A Lamarckian interpretation of evolution by acquired features, which Darwin disproved with his own. It’s hard to believe that the apes have evolved so much in such a short period of time.

Heston the chimpanzee stands up for the right to defecate in public.

3) X-Men First Class (2011)

X-Men First Class (2011)

Mutants were shown in the original X-Men film as the next evolutionary step in human development. X-men: First Class, with its origin story and increased emphasis on evolution, significantly raised the stakes. Evolution and genetic mutations are taught by Professor X, who is depicted as a professor. He compares the mutants to people replacing Neanderthals, saying that their mutations are the next step in human evolution. In a nod to Darwin’s hypothesis, the mutant Darwin adopts the motto “adapt to survive.” “X” is utilized to represent chromosomes, the helix structure of DNA, and even the X-men in the film’s closing titles, which are interwoven with the idea of evolution.

2) Super Mario Brothers (1993)

Super Mario Brothers (1993)

This is a terrible film. Everyone linked with the Mario series and others have tried to wipe it from their minds. There is no doubt in my mind that Nintendo has a hidden plan to remove any trace that this movie ever existed. In spite of this, the film has its merits, and it was a difficult work to adapt the raw material into a story. Evolution is a prominent theme in this type of story. Brooklyn, in Super Mario Bros., has a parallel realm established when a meteor crashed onto Earth and wiped out the dinosaurs by relocating them to an alternate universe (just go with it). The difference between our universe and that of the alternate universe is that in the alternate universe, dinosaurs evolved into humanity. Dennis Hopper’s King Koopa plans to join the universes and take over Brooklyn by employing de-evolution guns, which he has some terrible evolution-karma at this point. During a moment, King Koopa explains evolution.

Unfortunately, I don’t believe that was a joke that had been pre-planned. Koopa orders Toad to be de-evolved in the same scenario. Put him in a machine that converts him into a Goomba, and he’s strapped in a chair.

Using the same machine later, Koopa tries improving the intelligence of his two henchmen by evolving them, but this time the machine is re-colored to make it clear to the viewer exactly what is going on.

1) Evolution (2001)

Evolution (2001)

This film, because it is based on the idea of evolution, is the most harmful. The dna of an alien life form is more complex than our own, allowing it to evolve more quickly. Single-celled, the organism develops into a diverse array of animals that resemble creatures from outer space in appearance. Some fungus, pre-Cambrian arthropods, dinosaurs, and eventually blue gorillas are all found here. As an alien researcher, David Duchovny tells the audience everything they need to know about evolution: As though they’re maturing… Evolution is the process by which organisms become increasingly sophisticated.