7 Best Movies About Assassins That You Should Watching Update 07/2024

Movies About Assassins

Many moviegoers are constantly on the lookout for new assassination films. Because of their dramatic substance, climaxes, and profound human implications, they have a strong appeal. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the top assassin flicks of all time in the following article.

1. The Bourne Supermacy (2004)

The Bourne Supermacy (2004)

If you’ve never seen anything like it, you’re in for a treat when you catch a glimpse of The Bourne Supermancy, an assassin movie unlike anything else you’ve seen. Palema leads this crew of agents, although each member has a different purpose in mind. Agents plotted to assassinate Bourne in order to hide evidence, while another plotted to defraud his colleagues in order to appease the evil big boss.

2. Mr and Mrs. Smith (2005)

Mr. and Mrs. Smith, featuring Angelina Jolie as an assassin, was a huge hit. With its blend of heartfelt romance and high-octane action, the picture holds the attention of audiences. A romance between two assassins who met by coincidence, although both worked for hidden organizations. Furthermore, both were assigned assassination assignments that were identical. It made it difficult for them to deal with their goal and love. Along with their need to defend their beloved, they also had vengeful intentions toward one another due to the weight of their responsibilities.

3. Wanted (2008)

Wanted (2008)

For Wesley, “Wanted” tells the story of someone who is constantly under pressure at work and in his personal life. He made the decision to join an assassin’s guild since his life was getting too dull. Wesley was able to join the guild since his father was once the best assassin in the world. After inheriting his father’s unique powers, Wesley became a professional assassin and took on the quest to assassinate the person responsible for killing his father.

4. Kill List (2012)

Every fan of assassin movies can’t ignore “Kill List” due of the brutality of the main character. An assassin who failed at his previous task receives a new assignment in the film’s plot. As a result, he was assigned a quest list with a huge bounty and instructed to assassinate three targets. The assassin, on the other hand, began to lose his self-control as he carried out the assignment and carried out a series of cruel acts to please himself.

5. Salvo (2012)

Salvo (2012)

Assassin movies “Salvo” has a gripping story about an assassin hired by a syndicate of criminals to carry out assassinations. Salvo is an assassin that prefers to work alone and is known for his frigid stare and cold eyes, as well as his cruelty. Nonetheless, he was caught red-handed when he ran into a blind girl while he was murdering her brother. As Rita’s gaze grew on him, he became haunted and moved. It’s possible that something bad could happen to them and he’ll have to give up his cold-blooded work for the girl.

6. The Iceman (2013)

The Iceman is a must-see if you’re a fan of assassin action movies. The story takes place in the year 1960 in the United States, and it follows the life of Richard, a film technician who specializes in making twisted movies. When the man was forced to work as an assassin by his own boss, the film’s conclusion began to unfold. Until he meets Robert, a Psychiatrist, Richard becomes known for his vicious and cold-blooded approach to all of his tasks.

7. Kill Bill (2003)

Kill Bill (2003)

Kill Bill is a thrilling action film about a woman’s bloody vendetta against a guy who had wronged her. On the day of her wedding, her entire family was slaughtered after she was betrayed by her assassins companions. The brutal female murderer she became after spending four years in a coma after being shot in the head was able to carry out a violent vengeance plan with her old companions. This film’s gory action sequences are likely to provide the viewers with a thrilling experience they won’t soon forget. These seven top assassin movies will not disappoint. Wishing you a wonderful time at the movies.