10 ISTP Anime Characters That You Should Watching Update 07/2024

ISTP Anime Characters

Are you looking for the most memorable ISTP cartoon characters? It’s possible to see these personality traits in action-packed Japanese cartoons with the help of this list. Please share your thoughts in the comments section if you disagree with any of these character descriptions. I couldn’t sit down with these characters and undertake a professional MBTI® assessment, so I had to type them based only on how they appeared on screen or in the manga books (sometimes with one given more credence than the other).

1. Zoro – One Piece

Zoro – One Piece

“I don’t give a f*ck what people in the media say. I haven’t regretted anything I’ve done in my life thus far. “I’m going to get through this and do what I want.”

ISTPs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and Zoro embodies the powerful, action-oriented subset. As a member of Luffy’s crew, he is a skilled swordsman. In true ISTP fashion, he is able to remain calm and strategic in the face of adversity. Beyond launching himself towards a nebulous goal: to be the world’s greatest swordsman, he’s not much of a planner or future-focused thinker. He keeps to himself and maintains a stern demeanor even in the face of intense emotion, such as when the crew is mourning the loss of a member. When he does express an opinion, it’s usually tinged with criticism of the people and things around him. Zoro initially had little desire to join Luffy’s crew, but once Luffy earns his respect, Zoro develops a strong sense of allegiance to him and his cause.

2. Akihito Narihisago – ID: Invaded

Why did you break me so that you could put me back together again?” Do you know who would do this? I’m assuming way too much. It is possible that I disintegrated on my own without anyone else’s help. Doubtful whether or not it’s the correct thing to do to put myself back together. This is correct, however. In my mind, I’m supposed to be whole.

When Narihisago lost his job as a detective due to tragedy, he became analytical and morally ambiguous. The upshot is that the man turns into a serial killer in the process. This character, who spends almost all of the episode as a prisoner, is responsible for unlocking the secrets of serial killers’ minds (or “id wells”) and therefore allowing for their arrest. When it comes to figuring out what’s going on in every id well, he uses his keen detective abilities and analytical mind. To avoid making too many assumptions during each study, he pays close attention to his intuition. His actions are based on the evidence he gathers from his environment. To be sure, he makes heavy use of his logical side, which he eventually learns to wield against his enemies. His Fe is also seen being used in these instances. Other than that, his inferior Fe is most apparent in his lack of clear values and inclination to stifle his emotions.

3. Kiritsugu Emiya – Fate/Zero

Kiritsugu Emiya – (Fate-Zero)

“Knights use the language of sacred nobility to describe the battlefield, describing some tactics of combat as “good” and “bad.” Throughout history, heroes’ delusions of grandeur and dignity have been responsible for the murders of countless young men.

He’s a damaged character who’s trying to fix the world in any way possible, and Kiritsugu is the embodiment of that character. I admire his ability to put the needs of others ahead of his own feelings and do what is necessary, no matter the cost. He’s noted for his deadpan expressions, which are characteristic of ISTPs. Morally gray and unhonorable deeds he conducts to complete his objective and conquer the other Holy Grail War combatants are a major cause of strife for his summoned servant. It appears that nothing is outside limits. Kiritsugu is a tactical and strategic thinker who is frequently depicted doing research on his opponents and the situations they find themselves in order to devise the most effective course of action. However, he is adept at handling himself in the heat of the moment and prefers to be in the middle of it all.

4. Shoto Aizawa

Don’t let anyone tell you what to do. “Just make a decision before I get out of bed.”

Aizawa stresses the need of being logical and rational. Despite the fact that he is a teacher at U.A., he merely provides his students with the most essential material and jumps right into their physical exercise. For his part, he prefers students to work things out for themselves rather than rely on him. Aizawa also enjoys playing mental games with the students to stimulate them or teach them lessons. Aizawa is frequently depicted as lifeless and unenthusiastic, going about his business as if nothing is pressing on his mind. Taking a nap in the middle of class is just one example of his relaxed demeanor, which is further evidenced by his untidy appearance. When it comes to protecting the reputations of his students or close colleagues, his inferior Fe can be shown in abundance, but it can also be seen in a positive perspective.

5. Saitama (One Punch)

Saitama (One Punch)

My future self will deal with tomorrow’s issues.

ISTPs like Saitama are well-known in the anime community. Anxiety-ridden and often boasting about having lost the ability to feel are some of his favorite topics. This character searches for challenges throughout the entire show but is never successful because of his unbeatable stature. As an ISTP, I can easily identify with his demeanor. He’s prone to make offensive remarks or disregarding individuals by accident, but he does so on purpose sometimes as well. However, as a whole, he is nice and relaxed back. Isolation and detachment are his primary modes of existence, and he is often predisposed to procrastination. Short and to the point are the norm when he speaks. The impatience of his character causes him to fidget when faced with an extended monologue. When Saitama feels undervalued and ignored, he resorts to villainizing himself in order to defend the reputations of other heroes.

6. Shiki Ryougi – Kara no Kyoukai

As the saying goes, “Stupidity is contagious.”

Shiki appears to be emotionally disengaged to the point of being empty and devoid of feeling. She, like many ISTPs, is prone to expressing her thoughts in a blunt manner, preferring instead to keep her thoughts to herself. Her Se can be shown in her spontaneous fighting style and need for action. She prefers to react to the situation rather than plan ahead, preferring instead to go with the flow of the conflict. It doesn’t take her long to lose interest in a fight if she doesn’t feel challenged. As a result of her inability to manage her emotions, she often resorts to physical violence when they do come to the surface. However, while this is a valid point to make, the best evidence of her lesser Fe comes from the fact that she has a hard time relating to Mikiya’s straight-faced jokes (since she’s looking for a queue and can’t find one), and she utilizes Mikiya as her moral compass.

7. Spike – Cowboy Bebop

Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop

In the end, “whatever occurs, occurs.”

Known for his laid-back demeanor, sarcasm, and zest for life, Spike prefers to laze around. The only exception to this rule is when there is an opportunity to collect a bounty that interests him, and he commits to it with all his might. With the exception of his closest friends, he’s motivated mostly by self-interest rather than by a desire to protect others. As is typical of jaded Ti doms, Spike has a cynical sense of humor and can be irritated easily. For his own entertainment, he is a rulebreaker who will openly annoy rule enforcement. If he finds a rule to be illogical or inconvenient, he will just ignore it. At these times, his Ti-Se comes out in full force, such as when he swallows an entire poker chip in front of a person since he knows they’re desperate to obtain it for some inexplicable reason.

8. Toph Beifong – Avatar: The Last Airbender

“I’m not the dutiful, defenseless little blind girl you believe I am. Fighting is one of my favorite pastimes. As an earthbender, I enjoy my work.”

Regardless of whether or not Avatar is considered anime, I included Toph because there are few female ISTPs in anime. Toph is obstinate, sardonic, and unyielding in his pursuit of his goals. When she first meets Aang and his crew, she decides to abandon her current life and join theirs, wishing nothing more than to be free of her shackles. Even though she is blind, she has discovered how to compensate for it by earth bending, a talent at which she excels. In spite of her condition, she’s adamant about being regarded as a normal human being. Toph, like many ISTP girls, is a tomboy. Because of this, she has a hard time dealing with individuals who make fun of her in this area. Toph, despite being well-versed in social etiquette as a result of her background, has a habit of ignoring basic etiquette. Due to her tough-love approach to dealing with others, her teaching method is harsher than that of the other members of Aang’s group.

9. Itaru Hashida – Steins;Gate

Itaru Hashida

Just saying what I think, man.”

Daru, a nerdy ISTP, is a good example. He’s an accomplished hacker who, in his spare time, enjoys playing video games. Things like his convoluted naming scheme, which no one else can decipher, show us his Ti. He maintains a cool head under pressure and is rarely observed losing his cool or becoming agitated. Lashing out violently is his preferred method of venting his frustrations and anger, whether that means striking or hurling objects or pummeling whatever is in front of him. There are times when Okabe appears to be completely unaware of what’s going on around him because of Daru’s more polite approach. Of course, this is a good example of his healthy use of the mineral Fe. Other than that, he’s prone to being ashamed and insecure. As a team realist, he supports Okabe’s efforts while remaining realistic about the club’s goals.

10. Kyoka Jiro – My Hero Academia

“I’m very sorry,” he said. To save our butts the next time around, I’ll ask first.”

Kyoka is unenthusiastic and uninterested most of the time. When she’s snarky and caustic, she’s prone to making offensive remarks to those around her.. When it comes to sharing her thoughts and views, Kyoka prefers to keep them to herself. In the end, she may be persuaded to divulge her secret if she faces enough societal pressure. The harshness with which Kyoka responds to people’s criticisms is a sign that she is sensitive to others’ feelings (like getting mocked for not having a girly room). Angry, she’s more likely to act out. Of course, she has been known to let out her rage in defense of a buddy. Kyoka is a strategic and cool-headed warrior in combat. Even throwing Kaminari at her adversaries can be a successful tactic.