20 Gay Anime Characters That You Should Know Update 07/2024

Gay Anime Characters

Advances in the media’s portrayal and acceptance of LGBT people have occurred during the past few decades.

In addition to being more prevalent, LGBT characters are depicted in a more realistic and genuine way, rather than as a low-effort bundle of stereotypes.

When it comes to Japanese culture, old and new are always at odds. Even if they’re not always the most famous, they’ve steadily included more healthy representations of LGBT characters, just like in Western media.

However, I’d like to focus on some of my favorite anime characters who identify as LGBTQ+. Individuals and couples will be included wherever possible for the sake of convenience.

20. Ryo Asuka

Ryo Asuka

Ryo Asuka isn’t the most endearing character in the game by any stretch of the imagination.

But he’s a great example of a gay character who isn’t afraid to stand up to prejudices.

Contrary to popular belief, he’s a threat.

With his powerful demeanor, he’s an intimidating presence in any situation. That is, of course, because he is, in fact, Satan.

As Satan, he likewise assumes an androgynous appearance, complete with a female chest and a masculine groin. He is the anti-Christ. There must be some wiggle room when it comes to gender.

19. Fumi Manjoume

Sweet Blue Flowers is the show you turn to if you’re looking for a lighthearted romance to help you get through the day.

It’s a show about finding love in your twenties and discovering who you are as a person.

The character of Fumi is a fantastic vehicle for the audience to put themselves into the story. Many of the challenges she confronts as a lesbian in a conservative society may be identified with, and her brave calmness in the face of these challenges is an inspiration to everybody.

This program is one of my favorites since it isn’t a sexualized yuri aimed just at male viewers, but rather a realistic and even healthy show that depicts healthy relationships between lesbian characters.

18. Ymir


Ymir, a heroic warrior with a terrible history and a secret crush on Christa, a.k.a. Historia Reiss, is one of the most engaging characters in AoT’s second and third seasons.

In contrast, these two characters were complete opposites.

The difference between Historia’s behavior and that of her sister Ymir’s in Marley was that Historia assumed the name Christa and pretended to be just like any other young woman.

Just in case it wasn’t evident enough, series producer George Wada has previously acknowledged the relationship between Ymir and Christ as one in which they are both partners.

The wistful stares these two exchanged were all the confirmation I needed, thank you George.

17. Yuzu Aihara

It is not necessary for every character to delve deeply into the experiences of those identifying as LGBTQ+.

Citrus’ Yuzu, for example, is a joy to watch as a gay character.

Being gay, according to this self-described gyaru, doesn’t have to include a lot of drama.

When she first accepts the situation, she does so because she wants to find love and happiness.

The fact that not everyone in Japan accepts the idea of lesbian partnerships made her a little uneasy. With the help of her beloved Mei, she is able to move on and focus on the important things in her life.

16. Makoto Sunakawa

Makoto Sunakawa’s lack of interest in romantic relationships has prompted some to label him an asexual symbol, despite the fact that the character is never mentioned by name.

Every day, countless girls (and likely guys) approach him, yet he shows no sign of being bothered.

His love is genuine, fraternal, and unadulterated in every way. For his pals, especially Takeo Gouda and Rinko Yamato, it is directed.

In the event that someone manages to catch Suna’s attention, he may be receptive to dating.

Still, despite all the attention he’s received from the public, it hasn’t happened.

15. Luka Urushibara

Luka Urushibara

Known as Rukako to her friends and family, Luka Urushibara is the world’s most feminine human being.

A nymph’s grace and elegance can be seen in their delicacy of features, quiet voice, and delicate characteristics.

In Japan, it’s the ideal of a flawless woman—except that he’s a boy!

By sending a message on his mother’s pager in the past so that he would be born female, Luka is hoping to get closer to her main character. It was reversed when it became clear that it was not going to succeed.

Luka seemed to be going through a lot at the moment. Although this is a fantastic example of the problem some people face when attempting to understand their own sexual identity.

14. Motoko Kusanagi

Because she is a lesbian and also identifies as transgender, the famous badass cyborg Motoko Kusanagi is included on this list.

Six years ago, she was completely replaced by prosthetics and has had to learn to accept her body as it is now.

However, I doubt she’s trans.

When she obtains a new body, she always asks for a female one since she is still attached to her feminine identity.

The anime barely hints at her sexuality a few times, but the manga is far more explicit – depicting multiple hot moments with women.

13. Tiziano & Squalo

Tiziano and Squalo don’t have a lot of time in the spotlight.

The only time they’re not using their PDAs is when they’re sleeping.

Nobody raises a ruckus over it. In spite of this, these two Diavolo members are plainly gay in a relationship.

In a program where everyone else looks like they’re living off of Chromatica Oreos, their presence as the only two openly gay characters stands out.

Only Tiziano and Squalo are upfront about Diavolo’s organization being a twink mafia, including Bucciarati’s side.

12. Hana


This movie by Satoshi Kon takes a critical look at some of today’s most heinous characteristics, while simultaneously chronicling the narrative of an unconventional family.

A former drag queen, Hana, is one of the most intriguing characters in this story.

However, despite her current condition of deprivation, she is an intelligent woman with a strong sense of right and wrong.

It is Hana’s belief in her God’s message of love over the misdeeds of the church’s herd, however, that has kept her a committed Christian.

Her devotion to God and caring attitude make her an ideal mother for any orphaned child.

11. Hange Zoë

Hange’s androgynous appearance may not have piqued your interest while watching the play, but there’s more to it than meets the eye.

The manga series The Commander of the Survey Corps has no clear genre. Although most of the characters in the anime are depicted as female, it’s safe to assume Hange is somewhere in the center.

The gender of this titan researcher isn’t a big deal.

She’s admired for her curiosity and for the fact that she opposes Eren in his battle against the world since she has a genuinely decent heart.

At least in this aspect, the universe of Attack of Titan isn’t too horrible.

10. Sailor Neptune & Sailor Uranus

You might be surprised to learn that Sailor Moon included a lesbian coupling, given the fact that the film was released in 1992.

If you weren’t paying attention, you’d have missed it.

Even yet, the shojo-ai cliché of a princely figure (Uranus) paired with a typically feminine and delicate character (Neptune) is perfectly embodied by Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune.

A few tweaks were made to the original English dub’s script by Funimation, but in my opinion, that backfired.

It’s now gay and a little odd.

There’s still a lot of tension in the air!

9. Kaworu Nagisa

Kaworu Nagisa

Whether or whether an angel can be classified as “gay” is a difficult question to answer.

Shinji’s relationship with Kaworu is laced with gay undertones.

Shinji is smitten with Kaworu from the moment the Fourth Child sets eyes on him, and Kaworu is smitten with Shinji in return.

The only time we see Shinji completely happy is when they’re together, which makes us wonder if his whole problem wasn’t just a lack of confidence in his sexuality.

When Kaworu appears again in the third Rebuild of Evangelion film and strives to aid Shinji, unlike the other characters, it’s clear that this is exactly what he wants to do.

8. Haruhi Fujioka

There are individuals that defy gender stereotypes. It’s more fluid for some folks than that.

Haruhi Fujioka appears to be an excellent example of this phenomenon.

Haruhi has stated that she doesn’t give a damn about what other people think about her gender identity.

People around her have a different take on the matter. As a matter of fact, it’s all about the ties they have.

She doesn’t think gender roles should be that rigid in general (after all, her father is a cross-dresser too).

She was fine with having her first kiss with a girl.

She’s gay, but she doesn’t seem to care at all.

7. Yuri Katsuki & Viktor Nikiforov

Admiration is a common starting point for romantic relationships.

Yuri and Viktor’s in the ice-skating classic Yuri on Ice is a superb illustration of this dynamic.

Viktor became enamored with Yuri’s skating abilities and began pursuing him, while Yuri was swept up in love at first sight, leading Viktor to agree to become Yuri’s coach. Rather than having the plot revolve around their romance, their relationship grows organically along with the story.

Rather than tease us with “implications,” as is so common in shows like this, they actually kiss and get engaged right there on air.

In Japan and beyond, these two could serve as LGBT role models for the next generation.

6. Tomoyo Daidouji

Tomoyo Daidouji

There were quite a few LGBT themes in the original Card Captor Sakura cartoon that I had no idea about.

It’s almost as though Sakura is the only one who isn’t gay!

Let’s get started with Tomoyo first.

Despite having a comfortable lifestyle, she doesn’t appear to value the luxuries that come with it.

For Sakura, her best friend and the girl she truly cared for, she’s committed.

If you watched this as a kid, you could have missed it. Even though she has never acted on her sentiments, Tomoyo’s intense support of her friend is plainly romantically driven.

5. Toya Kinomoto & Yukito Tsukihiro

Toya and Yukito’s love story will stick in your mind even if you didn’t pay attention to the anime or the version.

Every time they engaged on the show, I was taken aback.

Since it was my first time seeing such a normalized portrayal of gay relationships, it spoke volumes about the lack of LGBTQ+ representation in the past.

All things involving Yukito were openly homosexual. Whenever he’s near, even Syaoran becomes nervous and blushes.

4. Leeron Littner

In a show where the power of hypermasculinity is 50% of the plot, you wouldn’t expect to discover a very decent homosexual character, but TTGL is all about exceeding your expectations.

A drag queen with an androgynous appearance, Leeron has been Team Gurren’s primary mechanic from the beginning of the series.

Despite their lighthearted demeanor, they’re mature, inventive, and typically act as a calming presence.

It’s possible that Leeron’s stereotyping might be a target for criticism.

In contrast, the characters in Gurren Lagann are all drawn with large, powerful strokes.

The TTGL team did an excellent job developing Leeron’s persona, and they’re always a joy to watch.

3. Utena Tenjou

Utena Tenjou

Classic anime icons like Sailor Uranus aren’t the only powerful butch lesbians.

Anthy Himemiya, the Rose Bride, has a prince charming, Utena Tenjou, in his life.

Passionate and clever, Utena is also prone to impulsiveness and short-tempered outbursts. As a flawed yet inspiring individual merely trying to do her best, she’s a powerful force.

Other than Utena, most of the characters in the story are either homosexual or bisexual.

As a result, it’s a definite LGBTQ landmark.

2. Akemi Homura

She didn’t do anything wrong.

If you saw PMMM: Rebellion, you’ll understand what I mean.

There aren’t many anime characters as devoted to the one they love as Homura, who’s willing to bend the laws of physics to make sure they have a happy ending.

It’s true that Homura may be a little overbearing at times, but she’s still a good friend to Madoka.

She, on the other hand, adores the pink-haired lead character. When it comes to protecting her grin, she’ll do everything.

1. Yoshino Takatsuki & Shuichi Nitori

Yoshino Takatsuki & Shuichi Nitori

Few anime have dared to tackle the trans experience as bravely as Wandering Son, a show about two trans friends discovering their gender identities and maturing over time.

It’s not easy to grow up.

But in a world that doesn’t always understand you, it can be even more difficult.

With topics like physical dysmorphia and gender conventions that don’t necessarily apply to you, Wandering Son is a difficult read.

For trans individuals, Yoshino and Shuichi are profoundly relatable, but for a different set of reasons than for everyone else.

The two of them share a lot in common in terms of humanity. They also serve as a timely reminder of the value of having a close friend or family member who genuinely cares about you and is willing to put themselves in your shoes.