7 Best Crafting Games That You Should Know Update 07/2024

best crafting games

The best games for making things won’t make a mess when you’re done. There won’t be any Elmer’s glue on your fingers or glitter on your floor for months after you finish making things in these game worlds. Because you can build, design, and create in these worlds, you can do so with some safety. Whether it’s to keep you alive in the game or just to make something cool, you can.

The best games for making things have underwater worlds, alien planets, and block-shaped lands. There are farming games, survival games, and more on this list, so we’re sure there’s something for every gamer who likes making games.

Learning new things is what happens when you play games about making things. The way you go about it will help you grow and make even better things. Those are the best crafting games you can play right now, so let’s start making things. If so, it’s the best game we’ve played.

1. Dig or Die

Dig or Die

Dig or Die is a crafting game that looks a lot like Terraria. It’s a mix of defence and crafting with side-scrolling and platforming elements. In the title, you need to start digging as soon as you crash land on a strange alien planet. You need to get as many resources before the people who live there come over and try to steal them from you.

In Dig or Die, you make things that will help you stay alive in a hostile environment and work on a new spaceship. You also build your own home and its defence systems. If you’re new to this kind of game, Dig or Die is simple enough to get you started quickly.

2. Creativerse 

This is probably the best game that competes with Minecraft. It’s a free-to-play version of Mojang’s huge hit that has a more polished look and easier-to-use menus than Minecraft. However, Creativerse does more than make Minecraft better for you. With a lot of different biomes, it’s great for role-playing games with other people. There’s a lot of combat and the loot you get from killing other people.

A Creativerse Pro DLC adds a glider, more stamina and inventory, and the ability to make your own worlds. The game is still being updated with new features like this.

3. Junk Jack

Junk Jack

It’s a good game if you like side-scrolling crafting games, but you don’t want to have to be very good at being able to survive. Junk Jack is that game. Junk Jack is a relaxing crafting game with a lot of depth. You can choose whether you want to make something that’s a little more difficult by working on a grid, or if you just want to click and put things together to make something new. Breed farm animals, grow plants, and fish for hours on end. Build a cosy home with a lot of different things in it. In order to get you to spend more time on your virtual home, the procedurally generated worlds are smaller than in other games.

4. Craft the World

Dwarves live in caves, so it makes sense to play as one. In Craft the World, the number of dwarves you have grows as you make and build things. They’re ready to help you in big battles. This makes Craft the World feel less like a Terraria-style dungeon crawler and more like a real-time strategy game at times, with a lot of bearded friends around you doing their best to keep things moving along. Craft the World is a game for people who want a beautiful fantasy crafting game with big battles against well-known fantasy monsters, like Beholders. It’s a good game for people who want to make things and fight monsters like that.

5. Graveyard Keeper

Graveyard Keeper

A lot of the time, you’ll be making things and “farming.” You can grow crops, but this isn’t Stardew Valley! Instead, you need to start digging so that the bodies that come to your door can rest in peace. You can’t just put bodies in a hole and call it done because embalming and making graves are separate sciences. It’s a unique idea that was put into action with a lot of care for the little things. Crafting is a must if you want to build a modern, part-automated graveyard. You also need to find other ways to make money. The meat for those tasty burgers came from somewhere, but don’t tell anyone where it came from.

6. Trove

Trove is a sandbox MMORPG like Minecraft. There are a lot of different biomes and realms to explore, as well as dungeons. People who play Trove do a lot of building and crafting to make it a magical place for both them and their online friends.

When you start out in Trove, you’ll get a small piece of the world called your “cornerstone.” You can fill it with weapons, creatures, and new environments. As you play Trove, new realms and dungeons keep the game feeling fresh and exciting. You can take on new quests to earn resources and loot to build and craft new items for your own little piece of the Trove world.

7. No Man’s Sky

No Man’s Sky

When No Man’s Sky came out, it had a rough start. But now that Hello Games has added a lot of new content, the game is doing very well. Build a single home base wherever you go in the galaxy, play online with friends, and dive into alien oceans full of monsters. Try one of these great No Man’s Sky mods if you want something else.

It has been a long time since the “Beyond” update for No Man’s Sky came out, but the multiplayer experience has gotten a lot better. This makes working together to build weird and wonderful technology in one of the best space games on PC even more fun.

If you want to grow your home base in No Man’s Sky, crafting is still very important. These homes do more than make you feel like you belong. They can be used for farming, storage, healing, recharging your shield, and as a home for the NPCs you meet on your journey. To build and grow your shelter, you’ll need to do a lot of space hunting. Poly fibre and a heat capacitor are needed to make a circuit board, for example. To make these things, you’ll need cactus flesh, star bulbs, frost crystals, and solanum. To find these items, you have to go on a search for new worlds all the time. You find a planet to explore and hunt for resources, then move on to the next one.

8. Stardew Valley

You know right away what kind of game you’re in for with Stardew Valley. The thought of leaving a busy and soulless city job to work on your grandfather’s farm greets you as soon as you get in the car.

In this game, you start with simple farming tools and very little money. You stock up on crafting recipes as you turn an old and overgrown plot of land into a bustling farm full of food and animals. You’ll start by making things that are useful, like paths and fences to keep your animals in one place. Once you get the basics down, you can make more unique things like beehives and kegs. In the future, you’ll be able to make different types of bombs to help you clear caves and explore them. You won’t just be making things for your farm, either.

There’s no need to do everything at once, either. There is no right or wrong way to make progress on the farm. It’s never boring to make new tools and care for your farm in Stardew Valley, because the world changes with the seasons and what you can grow changes as well. On the farm, you can also get to know people in a nearby village by talking and going to a few events. You can also invite up to three friends to help you on your farm or just keep you company in one of the best farming games. Stardew Valley mods can also be used to make the game more interesting and fun in a lot of different ways.