10 Best Ajin Anime Characters That You Should Know Update 09/2024

Ajin Anime Characters

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Ajin’s second season is scheduled for October and we just can’t wait to have this masterpiece back. Despite being severely criticized for its animation (CGI is not everyone’s thing, we get that), Ajin will surely go down as one of 2016’s highlights, partly because of its intriguing and well-developed storyline but mostly due to its awesome and mysterious characters that just keep us wanting more.

The characters are probably one of Ajin’s strongest points as they break with the standard depictions of hero and villain, and they never stop surprising us. The main characters in the show are everything but predictable, although they’re still very likeable and some of them are completely awesome (as in the case of Satou, the bad guy) (as in the case of Satou, the bad guy). However, the first season introduced all of these exciting characters but not nearly enough of their background and their motives, and that’s exactly what keeps us hooked to this show.

The following is a selection of all these characters we can’t get enough of and that we’re looking forward to know more about in season 2. Aquí están nuestros personajes favoritos de Ajin, en ese orden!

10. Ogura Ikuya

Ogura Ikuya

La investigación estadounidense Ajin está dirigida por el profesor de biofísica Ikuya Ogura. Nagai Kei fue capturado recientemente por los investigadores japoneses de Ajin, y Satou llega a Japón para ayudarles a estudiarlo. Professor Ogura is not very liked by his colleagues, and that’s not surprising at all. Una arrogancia irritante rodea a este chico, que piensa que sabe todo lo que hay que saber sobre Ajin.

En realidad, el profesor Ogura sabe bastante sobre Ajins. And the fact that he’s made so much progress mostly by guessing things without having actual evidence in many cases is quite impressive (and a bit suspicious too) (and a bit suspicious too). But the most shocking and thrilling thing about him is how cool and careless he is about everything, even when he’s being tortured and refuses to give information until he gets his cigarettes. El comportamiento cínico y frío de Ogura sugiere que debe haber algún pasado oscuro entrás de su comportamiento frío y calculador.

9. Kaito

Kaito is Nagai Kei’s childhood friend and the only one who’s willing to help him after Kei is revealed to be an Ajin. Kaito es el cómico de la clase que conduce un motorbike y aterroriza a los demás estudiantes con su cool comportamiento. However, he turns out to be very noble, loyal and heroic, since he immediately comes to Kei’s rescue after his incident even after years of not speaking to each other.

Al principio de la serie, Kaito es introducido como el gran héroe que llega a salvar el día, sólo para ser olvidado después de unos episodios. We know that Kaito has a big part in the story but we’ve seen so little of him that we just can’t be sure exactly how important he is, or how he’s going to help Kei fight Satou for that matter. Kaito could make a great heroic figure and we’re really expecting to see him become such.

8. Tanaka Kouji

Tanaka Kouji

Tanaka is Satou’s right hand and the muscle in many of their terrorist operations where Satou is the brain. Fue secuestrado por el gobierno japonés como objeto de prueba para una variedad de experimentos horrorosos porque fue el segundo Ajin que se descubrió en Japón. Después de diez años de tortura, Satou finalmente salvó a Tanaka. Ahora bien, parece estar impulsado únicamente por el deseo de venganza por el abuso que recibió.

Tanaka es un personaje fascinante de conocer. He’s seemingly basic in his motivations as he is only moved by anger and his thirst for vengeance, although there may be a lot more to him. We know that Tanaka is mentally weak in comparison to Nagai Kei, since Nagai could forgive humans in spite of what they did to him while Tanaka can’t manage to get over that experience. But we also know that his motivation is revenge rather than world domination (as in Satou’s case). It wouldn’t be a surprise if Tanaka grew more independent and had a conflict of interests with Satou. We’ll just have to wait and see…

7. Shimomura Izumi

Otro personaje intrigante es Izumi Shimomura. She’s not only one of the very few female characters on the show, she’s also an Ajin working for a governmental agent to help him capture Ajins. That’s just awesome! We have no idea where the story may take her, but it’s probably safe to assume that she’s one of the good ones and that at some point she will join Nagai and Nakano to fight Satou and Ajin terrorism.

Como personaje misterioso y prometedor, Izumi puede tener su propia historia incluso si no se une a ninguna de las dos facciones principales de Ajin. Por supuesto. So far she seems fairly loyal to her superior, Tosaki Yuu, and she’s likely to remain that way for a bit longer. Sólo podemos esperar ver más de ella y de su elegante IBM en el futuro.

6. Tosaki Yuu

Tosaki Yuu

Es responsabilidad de Tosaki capturar a Ajins como alto funcionario del Ministerio de Salud, Trabajo y Bienestar. Tosaki es un pensador stoico y desapasionado. Incluso si tiene que lavarse las manos para hacer el trabajo, parece tener poca paciencia y no tener sentido del humor.

Tosaki’s motive seems to be keeping his job in order to pay the expensive hospital bills for his fiancé who is in a coma. Puede parecer que tiene una motivación simple y no desarrollada, pero tiene un nivel notable de autodisciplina. A medida que avanza la historia, Tosaki desempeñará un papel importante, prometiendo ser un personaje fascinante con muchas sorpresas a la espera del lector.

5. Nakamura Shinya

El pasado mayo, se publicó un OVA que presentaba a Nakamura Shinya, que fue mencionado en el anime. He’s the first Ajin discovered in Japan and the responsible for the so called “Flood Incident”, in which he produced several black ghosts to defend himself. ¿Humano o Ajin, la cantidad de IBM Shinya es impresionante y peligrosa para los que se encuentran en su camino.

Of course, after just one OVA we don’t know that much about Nakamura Shinya, but he looks like one of the good guys and he might join Kei against Satou. At least that’s what we hope, since Shinya would make a powerful aid and he might be the only one powerful enough to defeat Satou. Todos tenemos altas expectativas por él y esperamos ansiosamente la próxima temporada para verlo.

4. Nakano Kou

Nakano Kou

El buen hombre que aspira a ser un héroe es Nakano Kou. Kou is not as smart or strategic as Kei and he can’t produce a black ghost (so far at least), so he’s definitely not the most powerful Ajin around. Como resultado del embargo, tiene mucho entusiasmo, valor y resolucií3n. Kou has a strong resolve to help others and he will try to stop Satou’s terrorist acts even against all odds.

Como resultado de esto, Kou es uno de mis personajes favoritos. He is the heroic figure that the show needs, especially during Kaito’s absence. El hecho de que Kou pudiera superar sus miedos y aceptar su immortalidad sugiere que tiene mucho potencial como Ajin. We’re surely going to have a lot more of him next season and we expect to see him grow as a powerful Ajin at Kei’s side.

3. Satou

Satou ha sido hasta ahora la principal atraccií3n del espectáculo. Además de incendiar algunos edificios, ha incendiado nuestras mentes una y otra vez. Satou, also referred to as “Hat”, is a relatively old Ajin with military training and a set of badass skills who appears to be recruiting fellow Ajins to take over Japan. He is calm, intelligent, highly strategic and very resourceful, and he’s not afraid of getting his hands dirty to do the job.

We’re talking about a man who can defeat an entire SAT squad mostly by himself (only with a little help from his snipers) (only with a little help from his snipers). Assassinar a las personas y infringir el terror a los demás es lo que más disfruta Satou de su trabajo. Aparentemente no hay nada que pueda hacer alguien para impedir que Satou cause daños en Japón. Talk about thrilling…

2. Nagai Kei

Nagai Kei

El protagonista del programa, Nagai Kei, es el tercer Ajin descubierto en Japón. En el principio de la serie, se le presenta como un estudiante de A con un grupo ajustado de compañeros. Kei may seem a bit dull and tasteless at first, even after realizing he’s an Ajin, because he looks like the typical good guy with strong morals who doesn’t believe there should be a confrontation between Ajins and humans.

Even after getting captured by the government and being tortured in the most terrifying (yet creative) ways, Kei doesn’t change his view of mankind. A medida que Sinécros comienza a revelar su verdadero yo, su persona de buen chico se desvanece rápidamente. En realidad, Nagai Kei es una persona fría, manipuladora y centrada en sí misma que sólo quiere quedar sola. Kei is pretty much an anti-hero in the story, since he has a total lack of empathy and he only does what’s in his best interest. Hay muy pocos personajes como él, y él (junto con Satou) es lo que mantiene a los fans de Ajin vueltos para más.

1. Black Ghost

La mayoría de nosotros disfrutamos de Ajin por su intriga y sus personajes bien desarrollados, pero no podemos negar que la aparición de los fantasmas negros siempre nos deja sin palabras. Their fights are amazing, the gore is thrilling and we can’t get enough of them. De la forma en que se mueven, saltan y abren a la gente, estos chicos son impresionantes. No hay nada más electrificante que los fantasmas negros!

IBM (materia negra invisible) es la materia prima de estos fantasmas negros, que vienen de todas las formas y tamaños. As the show moves forward we get to know more and more about them, including exceptional phenomena like the “Flood Incident” or the fact that they’re rendered useless in contact with water. There’s still a lot more we want to know about the black ghosts and we definitely want to keep seeing them in action, which is also another big reason why we can’t wait for season 2. Plus, we know there’s going to be a new one with wings. 😉

Final Thoughts

Okay guys, that’s it for our list of the most thrilling and exciting characters in Ajin. They’re everything that we’re expecting to see and to know more about in the upcoming season. En general, este espectáculo tiene mucho potencial, con personajes que son tanto interesantes como intrigantes. If the producers play their cards right they’ll manage to exploit these characters to the fullest to make Ajin an all-time classic. And we’d certainly love to see that.