9 Best Movies Like Alien Covenant That You Should Watching Update 07/2024

Movies Like Alien Covenant

Before seeing Alien: Covenant, you should watch a number of films. For example, there are five previous installments in the Alien franchise before this one, and even though it is a prequel, it is meant to be seen with familiarity with the chronologically subsequent parts, like most prequels. Along with the film, a few short prequels have been released online that you should probably watch before the feature, especially if you don’t want to be too baffled by James Franco’s barely there involvement.

I’ve got eight suggestions for movies you should see after this one. A documentary feature, a short film, and other sci-fi titles are all better and earlier works with similar or relevant themes.

1. Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932)

Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932)

With Bela Lugosi, fresh from his role in Dracula, as a mad scientist murdering women in 19th-century Paris, this Universal horror classic is inspired by Edgar Allen Poe’s story of the same name. Why? To prove the link between apes and humans, he needs to find a woman into whose body he can infuse ape blood so that she can mate with an ape. This isn’t an easy task. When he’s not conducting experiments on women, which he throws into a river if they’re not a match, he shows his ape, Erik, in a circus.

Michael Fassbender’s character in Alien: Covenant, David, is eerily similar to Bela Lugosi’s Dr. Mirakle in that he treats humans like guinea pigs and test subjects for evolutionary research. Both Mirakle and David rely on creatures to carry out their orders. TheAlienfranchise’s Xenomorphs appear less evil in this account as well. Having created “perfect organisms,” David is the series’ true antagonist, as they simply go about their business as nature intended.

2. Forbidden Planet (1956)

One of the most well-known fictional automatons is Robby the Robot. But have you seen the film in which he appears? Have you ever seen Leslie Nielsen in a serious role before he became the spoof legend that he is today? Has your ears been treated to the groundbreaking electronic music composed by Bebe and Louis Barron?

To see a sci-fi version of Prospero, Anne Francis plays the daughter, and Robby plays the mechanical Caliban, you should watch this space adaptation of Shakespeare’s “The Tempest.”

Although David in Alien: Covenant makes reference to a different shipwreck tale: “Robinson Crusoe,” Pidgeon’s Dr. Morbius can be compared to him. In both films, a seemingly perfect planet is the setting for an ancient alien race that mysteriously vanished without a trace. While an unknown man (and an intelligent robot, though in Covenantthose are one and the same) resides on their ruins, a creature from his device kills the newly arrived crew of a spaceship that is investigating a previous failed mission.

Despite the similarities, the tone and style of Forbidden Planet and Alien are worlds apart.

3. The Hellstrom Chronicle (1971)

The Hellstrom Chronicle (1971)

This creepy nature film, which was the second documentary to win the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature, examines the lives of insects while a fictional host predicts the extinction of the human race in the distant future.. As long as there’s a nuclear war or environmental pollution, we’ll be gone one day and the bugs will reign supreme as they have for millions of years before we even existed. The group will continue to “work together to create the elusive utopia — the perfect society,” according to “Dr. Hellstrom” (Lawrence Pressman).


Aliens’ Xenomorphic traits, including the idea of newborns bursting through their hosts’ bodies, were inspired by parasitic wasps in The Hellstrom Chronicle (watch a clip from National Geographic documentaryIn the Womb: Extreme Animals). A connection can be drawn between The Hellstrom Chronicle and Alien, however. Insects — and insectoid monsters — are perfect organisms, according to evolutionary theory. The documentary’s opening line is one of the all-time greats: “The Earth was created not with the gentle caress of love, but with the brutal violence of rape.”

4. The One (2001)

When an actor plays twins, clones, or two robots of the same model, who doesn’t enjoy watching him/herself go head-to-head? Even the dreadful Sinbad and the Seven Seas from 1989 is entertaining when Lou Ferrigno goes toe-to-toe with himself. The Superman vs. Superman part of the film, even for those who dislike Superman III, is quite entertaining.

It gets better and better as the technology advances, with Michael Fassbender as an android taking on an android, and the battle looking so flawlessly done you forget you’re watching a movie. Prior to this fight, the most accomplished example of the “Mirror Match” trope was the Tom Cruise vs. Tom Cruise fight in Oblivion (1999).

In this 16-year-old sci-fi martial arts film, it’s Jet Li vs. Jet Li, and it’s by far the most entertaining example. The One, which is like a cross between Highlander and Timecop, follows a man who sets out to eliminate all of his alternate selves in order to gain more power. Eventually, he comes across a Jet Li he can’t easily get rid of, and they end up fighting mano-a-mano. Similar to the one found in

Eventually, he comes across a Jet Li he can’t easily get rid of, and they end up fighting mano-a-mano. InAlien: Covenant, you must sit through a bad movie before you can enjoy the good parts, but at least inThe One, the tone isn’t as grave, and the Mirror Match is more fun because it stars Jet Li. Also, there’s Jet Li.

5. The Thing (2011)

The Thing (2011)

The Matthijs vanHeijningen Jr. prequel to John Carpenter’s 1982 classic, with the same name, is surprisingly good as unnecessary prequels with mostly repeated plots. Aliens: Colonial Marines gives us more of an idea of where the monster came from and isn’t entirely in line with its nature, but the film is extremely well-directed and provides enough new thrills to balance out the familiar setting, plot point and paranoia theme set. In addition, they made use of some useful effects! The way this new thing relates to the previous The way the Thingis handled things was far superior to anything else that had been attempted in the prequels.

When you consider that Carpenter’s The Thing is a remake of the Howard Hawks classic The Thing from Another World from 1951, you can see how the two films are connected. Having a female protagonist, VanHeijningen’s perspective is more in line with theAlienmovies, and it fits even more specifically withAlien: Covenantincludes a scene in the new film in which it’s unclear whether a particular character is good or evil. But for a brief moment, David impersonating Walter is similar to The Thing impersonating various characters, leading to distrust among the entire group.

6. Wanderers (2014)

As its spaceships arrive at what appears to be an ideal new world for human habitation, Alien: Covenantstarts off with wonder and majestic discovery. Somewhat stormy, but otherwise a potential haven for travelers. Everything goes to Hell after that because of theAlienplots. If you cut it short before the second act begins, you’ll have a charming short film about the optimism of exploring and colonizing new worlds. Unless there’s a problem with the ship that results in the deaths of a crew member and a few other passengers who were hibernating.

Erik Wernquist’s conceptual documentary, which is under four minutes long, shows some of the beautiful and awesome places we could go if human space travel becomes a reality.

The film ponders the next steps for our wandering species using digital recreations or real photographs of places just within our solar system, as well as ideas from authors like Arthur C. Clarke and narration from the late Carl Sagan (from his “Pale Blue Dot” audio book). Hope there aren’t any Xenomorphs or other dangers in the way. IMAX space documentariesDestiny in SpaceandJourney to Space, both of which incorporate special effects to imagine future cosmic trips, are similarly speculative and can be seen in a much larger format.

7. Ouija: Origin of Evil (2016)

Ouija Origin of Evil (2016)

Mike Flanagan’s backtracking follow-up to a 2014 experiment in feature-length product placement also works as a prequel extremely well. Ouija: Origin of Evil is so bad it’s good that it distracts you from the fact that you’re watching a board game advertisement. Even if you’ve seen the original, you don’t have to see this one to enjoy it.

It’s not a prequel in the sense that it shows a story that has already been told through exposition, but that doesn’t make it tedious if you have. It’s not Flanagan’s goal to explain Doris Zander’s past with plot details, but rather to offer an emotional family drama about grief that transforms into a paranormal horror story.

A great prequel is hard to come by, and Ouija: Origin of Evil is one of those rare examples. In fact, it’s far superior to the film it links to. Prequels likeBetter Call Saul and Fargo are demonstrating how effective they can be when the focus is on developing the characters rather than filling in the story’s plot holes. In addition, as Flanagan’s film confirms, the horror genre is usually the place where good prequel movies can be discovered, whether they’re interested in presenting the origins of characters or seeming unconnected until a final scene reveals the film to be set before another in its series. That’s why theAlienprequels are so disappointing, given that the first one was a horror film.

8. Passengers: Fan Cut (2016)

Passengers Fan Cut (2016)

Passengers, despite its flaws, is a worthwhile viewing experience. Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence’s (as well as Michael Sheen’s) long-awaited film together was a letdown. Firstly, its third act is the most clumsy, contrived spaceship story ending that could have been attached to a compelling sci-fi saga featuring an ethically dubious lead character In addition to all of that, there’s the issue of the film’s morally dubious lead and whether or not the issue of him getting away with his rape crimes is a bigger one than the movie acknowledges in its outdated sexist scenario However, somewhere in there is the makings of a great film.

Nerdwriter (aka Evan Puschak) recently posted a video essay in which he explains howPassengerscould have been and perhaps still can be fixed by rearranging the scenes in such a way that they are not chronological.

Show Pratt’s character as a bad guy who did a bad thing by waking Lawrence’s character and basically forcing her into a relationship with him without her consent, starting with the moment they first meet. Now change the ending so that he dies and maybe she ends up doing exactly what he did for a shocking conclusion. In terms of the available material, this “fan cut” will not be possible in its entirety, but it is possible to get close and then imagine the rest.

Passengers, in its corrected form, has the potential to be the best film ever made about interstellar colonization. It raises interesting questions about the feasibility of transporting a large number of new world settlers across space. It’s possible to think of it as a prequel toAliens. Aliens: Covenant, on the other hand, is a terrible film about colonization when you consider the crew’s logic.

Thousands of other people would have to perish in order for a couple to go on a trip like that. However, despite how poorly it plays out, that drama could have stood on its own as an intriguing tale without theAlienstuff. We’re in desperate need of another movie fix right now.