10 Best Movies About Health That You Should Watching Update 07/2024

Movies About Health

This collection includes some of the best feature-length documentaries about health and well-being, whether you’re in the mood for a motivational documentary about jogging or a thorough dive into what’s wrong with American health care.

Keeping one’s physical and mental health in check has become increasingly important to the majority of people in recent years. And Hollywood has heeded the warning. Here are some of our favorite films about health, fitness, nutrition, disease, and other relevant themes that we hope will encourage you to live a healthier lifestyle .’s

Are you interested in meditating or practising yoga, or both? To be motivated by a person’s physical transformation from obese to very fit? The Alzheimer’s Association recommends music therapy as a treatment for the disease. Whatever your interests, we’ve got something for you, whether it’s cancer research or Susan Sarandon movies from the 1990s.

  1. Best about psychological health: “Happy”

Roko Belic’s documentary, “Happy,” (2011) features interviews with people from many walks of life and places throughout the world to investigate the idea of happiness. They enquire as to what constitutes happiness and whether or not it is something that can be achieved. From rickshaw drivers to office employees, people from Kolkata to Denmark share their experiences.

  1. Best about fitness and transformation: “From Fat to Finish Line”

From Fat to Finish Line

Follow the progress of twelve obese individuals as they prepare for a 200-mile relay race in this 2015 documentary. You can learn from their hardships and perseverance to overcome both mental and physical obstacles. Oh, and don’t forget to be awestruck by their remarkable turnaround in health.

  1. Best about nutrition: “In Defense of Food”

The Omnivore’s Dilemma” and “In Defense of Food” are two of Michael Pollan’s best-known food-related works. Seven words sum up Pollan’s philosophy: “Eat what you can get your hands on. No more than that. Plants make up the majority of this landscape.” Among the topics covered in the film are how to improve one’s diet in the Western world, especially in light of the abundance of sugar and processed foods available to us.

  1. Best about parenting: “Lorenzo’s Oil”

Lorenzo’s Oil

In this 1992 drama, Susan Sarandon and Nick Nolte play the parents of a child with neurological impairments such as hearing loss and behavioral disorders. To discover what is going on with their young kid, the parents embark on a journey. An oil mixture developed by Sarandon and Nolte’s characters helps alleviate their child’s ailments.

  1. Best about yoga and meditation: “Awake: The Life of Yogananda”

In the 1920s, an Indian yogi named Paramahansa Yogananda immigrated to the United States, where he attracted devotees like George Harrison and Steve Jobs. Known as one of the best spiritual writings of the twentieth century, his autobiography, “Autobiography of a Yogi,” discusses his experiences learning about ancient meditation practices. Among those interviewed in this 2014 documentary are Russell Simmons, who has been affected by his ideas.

  1. Best about the brain: “Alive Inside”

Alive Inside

Since the first person ever tapped out a beat, music has been able to move people, elicit strong feelings, and get them up and moving. When “Alive Inside” was released in 2014, it demonstrated that music is powerful enough to reach patients with Alzheimer’s disease. As you watch this fascinating documentary, you’ll learn about the function music plays in creating and recalling memories.

  1. Best about life and death: “Defining Hope”

Even though talking about death can be tough, this film attempts to illuminate some of the most relatable elements of dying. Learn about the daily thoughts of hospital workers and patients of all ages in “Defining Hope,” which premiered last year.

  1. Best about health care: “Escape Fire: The Fight To Rescue American Healthcare”

Escape Fire The Fight To Rescue American Healthcare

American health care is well-known for its high costs. Many of the facts presented in this 2012 documentary are still relevant today. People who are trying to navigate the health care system and specialists who explain what’s so wrong with it are the subjects of filmmakers Susan Froemke and Matthew Heineman’s documentary.

  1. Best about cancer: “Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies”

Mukherjee’s book “The Emperor of All Maladies” exposes cancer to the reader. Humans have battled to comprehend, control, and treat this disease for the better part of a century, and the book tells the narrative of one such struggle. Mukherjee and other contributors to this PBS series examine cancer science and the experiences of cancer sufferers.

  1. Best for overall impact: “Forks Over Knives”

Forks Over Knives

Food has a significant part in our overall health and well-being. The ramifications of what we eat can last far longer than the time it takes our body to digest our food. It is based on the groundbreaking studies that show the health benefits of a plant-based diet, as well as the dangers of a meat-centric one, as described in T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell II’s book “The China Study”.