10 Best Movies About Gifted Child That You Should Watching Update 07/2024

Movies About Gifted Child

Journalist Andrea Rice has won numerous awards for her work as a freelancer in the health and wellness field.

Watching a fantastic movie with your family is a treat for everyone. Gifted children aren’t any different from normal kids, yet some movies may be more appealing to them than others. “Beauty and the Beast,” for example, features a gifted character, Belle, as well as honorable attributes such as loyalty and imagination or heroics.

These seven films are perfect for gifted children.

1. Harry Potter

Harry Potter

“Harry Potter,” a film adaptation of the best-selling book series, is a favorite of bright children. Like other exceptional children or admirers, Harry Potter has virtues like courage, loyalty, and honor that he possesses or aspires to possess. Love and friendship, two of the most crucial concepts for talented children, are prominent themes in the Harry Potter books. Many brilliant children can relate to Harry, who doesn’t belong anywhere and is distinctive. As a result of his frequent feelings of loneliness and isolation, he finds it difficult to do what is right. I don’t know what his problem is at school. In Harry Potter, there are numerous facets of giftedness that can be discerned.

They bring the characters and stories from the Harry Potter books to life in the films.

2. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial

We’ve all done it: gazed up at the night sky and wondered aloud about the potential of life elsewhere in the universe. “E.T.” is a story that explores the potential of that. Because so many brilliant youngsters have a fondness for fantasy and outer space, this book is extremely enticing. Their empathy for others and their feeling of honor are further piqued by the story’s narrative.

The narrative of two children’s efforts to help E.T. return home will enthrall gifted children.

3. SpaceCamp


The movie “SpaceCamp” is a must-see for any gifted child who is interested in space. This film features a wide variety of intelligent teenagers, from the “brainy” to the carefree to the one who appears to be dumbing herself down. When the shuttle they’re on blasts off into space, they all work together!

When my son was about six, we watched this movie for the first time, and he was instantly inspired to go to a space camp of his own, which we were able to arrange for him when he was eight.

4. Matilda

When it comes to their precocious daughter Matilda, her parents don’t get it. Matilda, on the other hand, is a sensitive and moral character, so it’s no surprise that they don’t get along. It is hard for Matilda to fit in at the awful school that her parents put her to. Her teacher is her sole companion. However, there is a happy ending to the story!

5. Harriet the Spy

Harriet the Spy

As a youngster, Harriet has aspirations of becoming both a writer and a spy. Aside from her best pals, she enjoys jotting down her thoughts on life and the people in it. As a result, Harriet’s friends find out about the disparaging remarks she’s made about them in her notebook. For one thing, gifted children are typically drawn to spy activities and mysteries, while others enjoy writing and keeping journals.

One of the themes explored in this film is the idea of reporting on people objectively, even if the persons being reported on don’t view it that way. Gifted kids may encounter this problem in their own life.

6. Little Man Tate

To be accepted as he is, “Little Man Tate” tells the story of a bright young child and his mother. A fascinating aspect of this tale is the demonstration that intellectual demands of brilliant children can’t be disregarded, even if they aren’t necessarily walking brains on their own. Unlike Tate’s mother, who prioritizes his feelings over his intelligence, the head of Tate’s new school places a higher value on his intellect than his feelings. Tate is only truly happy when the two are together. Many gifted children can identify with Tate’s situation.

7. October Sky

October Sky

Because it’s based on true events, “October Sky” is a powerful story to tell. The plot revolves around a group of young people who live in a coal mining village where their destinies are inextricably linked to the industry. However, one of their teachers fosters and encourages their passion in rocketry and space exploration. As a result, this film is about more than simply the boys and their passion for rocketry. It’s a heartwarming tale of family, faith, and grit against all the obstacles. One of the young men in the narrative went on to work for NASA as an aerospace engineer, among other things.

8. Willow

Adults and others who enjoy high fantasy will enjoy this film (e.g. “Lord of the Rings”). An evil queen, a unique youngster, fantastical creatures, and of course a conflict between good and evil are all there in this tale of fantastical adventure. Warwick Davis, best known for his role as Professor Flitwick in the Harry Potter films, portrays the film’s title character.

9. Billy Elliot

Billy Elliot

When Billy Elliot was a child, his father wanted him to be a boxer, but he discovered a love for dance and an exceptional skill for it. Despite his father’s coal-mining, working-class background, Billy’s passion for dance makes him a social outcast. It’s a tale of love, tenacity, compassion, and unity. Even if they don’t wish to be ballet dancers, guys with remarkable sensitivity will be able to sympathize with Billy’s hardships. Billy’s story will resonate with any gifted, sensitive child who does not participate in sports traditionally associated with men, such as boxing, basketball, and the like.

10. The Last Starfighter

The story of Alex, a young man who lives in a trailer park and enjoys playing video games, is told in “The Last Starfighter.” An extraterrestrial defense army recruits him as a gunner. Beyond the pleasure of space fights against good and evil, the story’s importance lies in its acknowledgement of ability and the promise it provides. After his fights in space, Alex realizes that he was meant for something more than a life of servitude in a trailer park.