8 Best Movies About Intelligence That You Should Watching Update 07/2024

Movies About Intelligence

We tend to overestimate the worth of movies because we love them so much.

For those who are trying to improve their intelligence, there are several ways to do so, including reading a book, spending time with individuals who are knowledgeable, learning a new skill, and consuming “brain foods.”

It’s possible to improve your IQ by viewing television and movies occasionally.

Of course, you need to be selective about what you watch. Your best bet is to watch educational stuff like documentaries and current affairs programs, which can help you broaden your knowledge base and expand your vocabulary. It’s possible that reading this kind of material will lead you to discover a new pastime or interest.

In addition to documentaries and news shows, you can take a break from the news to watch a movie like one of the eight films listed below. These films have not only piqued my curiosity about new topics, but they’ve also taught me a few important truths about business and life in general.

8. “Inside Out” (2015)

“Inside Out” (2015)

Yes. Pixar is behind this picture. Although this story of Riley, a young girl who is having difficulty adjusting to life in a new city, is told by Charlie Jane Adams (author of the bestselling All the Birds in the Sky), this story is “an extended metaphor for the changes that occur in your heart and mind as you grow up — the dueling emotions show the emotional states of a child, being supplanted and rearranged as you learn maturity.” “The complexity of the manner in which different emotions interact with each other” is also explored in the film.

“How to manage more challenging situations and to reject their old beliefs about what kind of emotional state is desirable” is what Riley’s emotions Joy, Fear, Sadness, Disgust, and Anger learn during the film. Inside Out also examines “the ways that memories are preserved in the brain, and how memories can change over time as you revisit them.” ‘Inside Out’

Despite the fact that this is a children’s film, these are valuable lessons that entrepreneurs should take away from it.

To learn how to be a better leader, check out these 10 books.

7. “Limitless” (2011)

It follows Edward Morra, a struggling writer, who is introduced to NZT-48, a nootropic substance, in this thriller starring Bradley Cooper. His life is transformed when he takes this enigmatic medication, which enables him to use his intellect to its full potential.

“Limitless” will help you think more creatively, even if there isn’t a legal or high-level substance like this. To paraphrase Psychology Today, “perceptual identification (priming) is a nonconscious human memory form. When a task or action is about to be performed, it is necessary to activate certain memories and associations in the brain. ” If you see the word “yellow,” for example, you might recognize the word “banana” more quickly. In memory, the colors yellow and banana are tightly linked.

6. “The Imitation Game” (2014)

“The Imitation Game” (2014)

Known as the “Father of Modern Computing,” mathematician Alan Turing played a key role in a successful British code-breaking operation during World War II.

If you’re interested in the history of Turing and how he laid the groundwork for computers and artificial intelligence by creating a “universal machine,” “The Imitation Game” also celebrates human ingenuity, encourages you to think big, and inspires you to further your knowledge of Turing’s work and the machine and test that bear his name.

5. “Memento” (2000)

Leonard (Guy Pierce) is a guy who is unable to develop new memories as he tries to find his wife’s killer in Christopher Nolan’s interesting detective narrative. In order to put the spectator in Leonard’s shoes, the film begins in the middle and works its way back to the beginning.

Because it forces you to draw your own conclusions, juggling between various non-linear storylines might increase your focus and imagination. “Memento,” on the other hand, demonstrates the value of employing effective memory strategies.

4. “Good Will Hunting” (1997)

“Good Will Hunting” (1997)

This Oscar-winning film follows a janitor at MIT with a rough past who has genius-level cognition. Good Will Hunting actually brought in an MIT professor for the complicated mathematical equations, and there are also plenty of excellent literary and philosophical discussions between Will and Dr. Sean Maguire (Robin Williams). The most valuable lessons from “Good Will Hunting” are understanding that education can come from anywhere, that there is no such thing as “perfect,” and the importance of emotions and relationships..

3. “Primer” (2004)

“Primer,” a science fiction drama written, directed, and starring Shane Carruth, a math major who previously worked as an engineer, is about two engineers who find they can travel in time by mistake. Similarly to Memento, the plot of this film follows a non-linear path as it delves into the philosophical ramifications of time travel as well as the Meissner effect and Feynman diagrams, two complex physics theories.

Similarly to a Rubik’s cube, this film takes a number of viewings in order to fully comprehend the plot twists and turns.

2. “A Beautiful Mind” (2001)

“A Beautiful Mind” (2001)

Academy Award winning film based on John Forbes Nash, Jr.’s bestselling biography focuses on the discovery of the “Nash Equilibrium,” which as Investopedia explains, “is a concept of game theory where the optimal outcome of a games is one that no player has an incentive to deviate from his chosen strategy after considering an opponents choice.”

For those who are unfamiliar with it, economists have utilized this theory to figure out the pricing strategies of competitors, how governments should organize auctions to get the most out of bids, and how to explain the sometimes self-defeating decisions made by groups. In addition, “the Nash equilibrium helps economists comprehend how decisions that are beneficial for the individual can be horrible for the group”

1. “Pi” (1998)

An unemployed mathematician named Max, plagued by social anxiety, paranoia, and hallucinations, is the subject of Darren Aronofsky’s surrealist psychological thriller “The Fountain.” The film’s wide range of subjects, including religion, mysticism, and the universe’s connection to mathematics, make it stand out. As a result of his obsession with these topics, Max can utilize this knowledge to predict everything, from the financial market to the weather.

The movie does a great job of introducing these ideas, but I think the most important lesson we can learn from it is the consequences of searching for something that may not exist. Whatever your level of knowledge and understanding of the world, you can’t always know what’s going to happen next.