14 Best Movies About Clones That You Should Watching Update 07/2024

Movies About Clones

The concept of clone movies is a relatively new one. As a matter of fact, the first cloning-related film was just released in 1971: The Resurrection of Zachary Wheeler. Even though Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932) contained a dystopian vision of human reproduction dubbed the Bokanovsky process, Huxley never used the phrase cloning in his work to describe this procedure.

Early clone film The Boys from Brazil (1978) had an intriguing plot.

In 1903, plant physiologist Herbert J. Webber used the term “clone” to describe the process of spreading and multiplying a plant’s DNA. Ancient Greece is where the roots of the word and the notion can be traced.

While cloning has been around for some time, it wasn’t until 1996 that Dolly the Sheep’s successful cloning was made possible by a European business, PPL Therapeutics, together with an increase in public understanding about genetic engineering that the practice became widespread. The best clone movies will be listed and archived here.

1. The Resurrection of Zachary Wheeler (1971)

The Resurrection of Zachary Wheeler (1971)

Harry Walsh, the TV reporter who saw and recorded a vehicle incident involving US Senator Zachary Wheeler, is played by Leslie Nielsen of Airplane! and Naked Gun fame (Bradford Dillman). On the other hand, when he visits the hospital to inquire about Senator Wheeler’s condition, he is informed by medical staff that the Senator never visited. Once Walsh’s own TV station retracts the story and apologizes, the senator’s staff calls to say that he was fishing the entire time. Once Senator Zachary Wheeler wakes up in a hospital with new body parts that have been transplanted from others, the film abruptly shifts to his point of view. Wheeler is horrified to learn that he is part of an international medical blackmail plot involving the cloning and resurrection of political leaders.

2. The Boys from Brazil (1978)

Gregory Peck plays as Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, who escaped from World War II’s wreckage to Paraguay in this British/American film that won three Academy Awards—Best Supporting Actor (Laurence Olivier), Best Music, and Best Film Editing. A new strategy by Mengele involves cloning. Mengele was well-known during World War II for his horrific experiments on concentration camp inmates. Killing 94 public servants whose wives are older than them is the rule of the day. They all have children at the same time, and they all look exactly like the others. All these youngsters are Hitler clones, which explains why. Sir Laurence Olivier plays a Jewish Nazi hunter who is out to stop Mengele’s evil scheme.

3. Creator (1985)

Creator (1985)

A charmingly quirky Nobel Prize-winning scientist named Harry Wolper (Lawrence of Arabia, The Ruling Class) is on a mission to clone his late wife Nancy, who died 30 years ago, so that he can have a companion in the latter stages of his life. He steals money, equipment, and lab assistants from his university as he pursues his goal of becoming a doctor. As a college administrator, David Ogden Stiers (M*A*S*H) plays Wolper’s nemesis who tries to halt him in his tracks. There are guest appearances by Virginia Madsen, Mariel Hemingway, and Vincent Spano.

4. The Island (2005)

Lincoln Six Echo (Ewan McGregor) lives in a future, isolated, and sterile colony with several others, but he stands out from the rest because he becomes dubious about exactly why he’s there. This is a science-fiction thriller from Michael Bay (Transformers). As soon as he discovers, to his horror, that everyone at the facility is in fact a clone of a wealthy benefactor from the outside world, he and Jordan Two Delta begin planning their escape (Scarlett Johansson).

5. The 6th Day (2000)

In the role of helicopter pilot Adam Gibson, Arnold Schwarzenegger portrays a wealthy skier who relies on him and his friend Hank to get him to inaccessible slopes (Michael Rapaport). Cloning is lawful for animals, but forbidden for people in the near future; for example, each mall has a store called RePet, which offers to clone your deceased pet, including its capacity to recognize and do the skills you taught it before its death. It’s possible to “sync” the personality of a dead person by scanning their eyes, but there is a black market in cloning that allows unlawful cloners to do so. This is both a blessing and a curse because it ensures that humans will live forever, but it also stifles human progress. It becomes imperative for Gibson to uncover and destroy the cloning market after meeting a clone of himself.

6. The Adventures of Pluto Nash (2002)

The Adventures of Pluto Nash (2002)

Con artist Eddie Murphy acts as a nightclub owner on the moon in 2087, where the movie cost $100 million to film and only brought in $7 million in ticket sales. “Rex Crater,” a mobster who Pluto’s pal Rowland (Peter Boyle) tells him is involved in human cloning, is Pluto’s greatest adversary. This sequence is significant because Pluto Nash’s clone Rex Crater is revealed to be a real person. Comedic value is supposed to be gleaned from the fact that the gangster doesn’t care which of Alissa or Heidi Kramer he has, as long as they sexually serve him.

7. Aeon Flux (2005)

Oscar-winner Monicans is Charlize Theron’s first role since winning the Best Actress Oscar for her performance as Aileen Wuornos in Monster in 2003. There has been a viral outbreak that has killed 99.9% of humanity in the year 2415, and this film takes place 400 years after that date. The Goodchild corporate regime protects the human remnants in a walled metropolis. Humanity has only been kept alive for the past four millennia through cloning until Aeon tries to overthrow the powers that be. When it comes to clones, “someone is going to come along and make a wonderful feature about cloning,” said Reel Views. “The Island and this are not it.”

8. Moon (2009)

An astronaut named Sam Bell (Sam Rockwell) is put on a three-year mission on the moon and works with GERTY (a hyper-intelligent computer). Sam rushes to the site of a land rover accident and saves the driver, who is a younger clone of Sam. It is revealed that Sam and his younger clone are actually both clones of Sam Bell and that there is a vault full of hibernating Sam clones, each one set to take over for the previous one after a three-year tour of today. For a brief while during a network outage, the oldest clone of Sam Bell is able to communicate with the genuine Sam Bell.

9. Womb (2010)

Womb (2010)

Preteen girl falls in love with boy at coastal village who is later cloned in this film, also known as Clone. In their twenties, they reunite, but he is killed in an accident soon after. After her husband died, she decided to employ cloning technology so that she could have him as a child and raise him until he was an adult, at which point they could be reunited for the rest of their lives. “Is this oh so very romantic, or really appalling?” asked the AV Club.

10. Oblivion (2013)

Tom Cruise plays Jack, a member of a team sent to investigate the charred remains of Earth in 2077, six decades after an intergalactic war in which the aliens took and retained the upper hand. However, along their travels, Jack discovers that he is not alone… “Oblivion is about the nature of identity – a recurring theme in more literate science fiction works,” noted Reel Views. Is a person defined by their DNA? The sum total of one’s experiences? “What does it mean to be ‘human?'”

11. Replicas (2018)

Replicas (2018)

William Foster (Keanu Reeves) is a brilliant scientist who lost his entire family in a horrible car accident. As a singular, obsessive goal, he uses technology he devised that allows him to transfer someone’s consciousness into an android casing to bring his family back to life Ed Whittle (Thomas Middleditch), a colleague of Whittle’s, is also working on cloning, but his methods entail reviving dead flesh. It’s a sci-fi yarn with a few Frankenstein elements, some RoboCop, and a whole lot of paranoid conspiracy thriller in the third act, which makes Replicas tedious despite its title, according to Den of Geek.

12. Us (2019)

It’s the family’s annual lakeside vacation in Jordan Peele’s sequel to his smash film, Get Out, when doppelgängers show up in the driveway and begin to stalk them during a power outage. In the end, the clones reveal that they are “shadows” of their hosts, and that they can only free themselves by cutting themselves free from their hosts, which is highly messy for everyone concerned. In Reel Views’ opinion, Us is “a confused affair that goes off the rails the more Peele tries to extend, examine, and explain his original concept.”

13. Gemini Man (2019)

A young clone of an older hitman (Will Smith) is after him in this thriller from award-winning director Ang Lee, and he must struggle to stay alive. CGI technique in de-aging Smith was praised by Reel Views, but the film received a mainly unfavorable review: “They fail to make the interplay between a guy and his clone sufficiently complex–they try but there’s too much facile banter and testosterone exchanges. At times, the film appears to be torn between being a popcorn thriller and an existentialist piece of art.”

14. Horse Girl (2020)

Horse Girl (2020)

An introverted young woman who focuses on her hobbies of horseback riding and handicraft instead of socializing is Alison Brie’s Sarah. Obsession and scary nightmares have led Sarah to assume that she is a clone of her grandmother or even an alternate time-traveling version of her. She even shows bruises all over her body and claw marks on her walls to back up her claims. Whether or not Sarah’s explanation is real or if she is suffering from a deep-seated psychosis is a question that the filmmakers leave unanswered.