14 Best Movies About Astral Projection That You Should Watching Update 07/2024

Movies About Astral Projection

“Lucid Dream Society”: The 14 Best Astral Projection Movies (with Trailers)

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Are you interested in learning more about astral travel? If this is the case, then curling up with a nice movie and a bowl of popcorn is a terrific approach to pique your interest.

Here are some of the most popular astral movies that contain astral projection as a central element, whether you’ve had the experience or are curious about what it would be like.

1. Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange

The story’s main character is referred to as “the plot feature.” Dr. Stephen Strange, a brilliant but egotistical physician, loses the ability to use his hands after a vehicle accident.

After Western medicine failed to help him, he had to swallow his pride and put his ego aside and embark on a journey to Nepal.

This is the place where he learns about the occult and mysticism. Dr. X studied under “The Ancient One’s” guidance.

Using a vast range of artifacts and metaphysical talents, Strange becomes an intermediary between the real world and the realm of the supernatural. The cinematography in this Marvel film is breathtakingly beautiful when it comes to astral projection moments.

2. Our Home

Astral City and Nosso Lar (the original Brazilian title) are other names for Our Home.

“The Umbral” is the astral plane’s first stop for self-centered Dr. André Luiz after his death and ascension.

Following his rescue, he is taken to a community called “Nosso Lar,” a place where everyone gets along well with one another. He grows as a person as a result of this encounter.

3. Enter the Void

Enter the Void

What if you could see a movie that transported you to a different dimension?

The story of Oscar, a Tokyo-based heroin addict whose sister works as a stripper, is told in Enter the Void.

For some reason, Oscar can hover above the ground after being shot by cops. Enter the Void is one of the best astral projection films out there.

Cinematography captures a psychedelic concoction that reaches all the way down to the molecular level in this beautiful depiction of afterlife.

4. Astral

In the aftermath of his mother’s death, Alex is unable to come to terms with his feelings.

He learns about astral projection and the potential existence of a scientific realm outside of our own cosmos in this book. He’s intrigued.

Alex is attacked by shadow spirits while attempting to astral project. These wicked entities attempt to utilize Alex’s body as a vehicle to infiltrate our reality.

The truth about his mother’s death comes to light when he learns that he isn’t the first member of his family to face the shadow spirits during this period of his life.

5. Altered States

William Hurt plays an eccentric Harvard professor in this underappreciated sci-fi classic.

A variety of indigenous Mexican hallucinogenic substances are introduced after his initial isolation chamber experiments.

His physical form is affected by the experiment beyond the scope of an out-of-body experience.

6. Insidious


For those who are afraid of astral projection, Insidious is an eerie dark nightmare.

Astral projector Dalton Lambert, a young child with the capacity to astral project, goes too far and comes into contact with bad spirits who wish to invade the physical world.

Dalton falls into a coma because the spirits have taken over his body. The boy’s family is plagued, attempting to figure out how to free their home of the evil that has taken over and reclaim their son from the clutches of evil.

7. Out of the Body

A spate of brutal and supernaturally-related killings has gripped the inhabitants of Sydney, Australia’s largest city.

It is only through his talent to astral project that David is able to observe some of the fatalities and discover what is going on.

In spite of its low-budget 1980’s effects, this film will no likely satisfy part of your out-of-body curiosity..

8. Doctor Sleep

The sequel to Stephen King’s horror classic, The Shining, Doctor Sleep has been eagerly awaited.

The story revolves around the figure of Dan Torrance, so you can expect a lovely mix of familiar themes and brand-new ones.

He is a former drinker who is tasked with protecting a small child, Abra. Known as The True Knot, this cult preys on children with exceptional powers. She is in danger.

An astral projection scene in which Rose The Hat soars across the night sky is one of the film’s most memorable sequences.

9. Awake


A young billionaire, Clay, has heart surgery and discovers that he’s still awake after being put under anesthesia. Awake is based on this case of sleep paralysis (or anesthetic awareness).

While remaining cognizant, he is unable to move his body and notify those in the vicinity to his situation.

To his horror, he learns that the doctors tasked with saving his life are actually plotting his murder.

Clay meets his donor in the “astral realm” and realizes that the people operating on him aren’t what they appear to be.

10. Dreams Come True

In this 1980s comedy-fantasy, astral projection is a prominent topic.

When they go to sleep at night, two people begin to learn how to astral project.

In their astral forms, they begin to explore and enjoy each other’s company, going throughout the globe.

Astral projection enthusiasts will find the movie amusing and enjoyable to watch, as the film also has nightmares and the threat of death.

What sets this film apart from others about astral projection is the opportunity to astral project with a companion.

11. If I stay

If I stay

After a vehicle accident with her family, the pleasant life of a gifted teenage cellist is turned upside down.

It’s here in the astral realm that she can observe her life on Earth and the misery that’s come as a result of her injury, as she hovers between life and death.”

As a result, she must ultimately make a choice between returning to her physical form and carrying on as she is, or going to paradise.

12. Flatliners 1990 & 2017

Astral projection and other aspects of near-death experiences are explored in depth in Flatliners.

Although the newer version is worth watching, the original 90s version, with its all-star ensemble, is more well acclaimed.

To find out what occurs when you die, a group of five medical students performs a clinical death followed by an intense round of CPR.

Despite the fact that everything appears to be going according to plan, they begin to experience flashbacks of their own childhood nightmares.

Flatliners (1999) and Flatliners (1999) can be rented or purchased on Amazon.com (2017)

13. Solaris


George Clooney plays as a psychologist on a mission to investigate a supposedly deserted space station in this remake of the 1970s original.

The plot thickens and takes on a surprising twist when the planet around which the space station orbits acquires consciousness of its own. After a period of time, the psychologist begins to communicate with his deceased wife.

Solaris can be rented, purchased, or signed up for a free trial on Amazon.

14. Ghost

Patrick Swayze is brutally murdered under dubious circumstances, leaving behind the love of his life. This iconic film stars Swayze in the role.

As a helpless soul in the afterlife, he is free to explore the Earth. In the event that his lover is in danger, he seeks out the assistance of an expert psychic.

It’s a great movie if you haven’t seen it yet, which is filled with tragedy and mystery. If you were a fan of the show when it first aired, you’ll enjoy re-watching it to appreciate the story’s astral projection viewpoint.

Ghost can be rented or purchased on Amazon.


This is it, so there you have it. Top astral projection movies can keep you entertained for the foreseeable future.