8 Best Web Comics That You Should Know Update 07/2024

Best Web Comics

Many of us read our favorite comic strips in the newspaper every day when we were young.

Peanuts, Calvin and Hobbes, The Far Side, and Garfield are probably some of the most well-known comics. You might even read the funny section from time to time just for old times’ sake.

Like most newspapers, many popular comics these days can be found on the internet, too!

There are a lot of people who make their own comic strips and put them online or on social media and get people to read them. This is called a “online Renaissance.”

This has led to the term “webcomics,” which refers to comic strips that are only found online.

Webcomics are a great way to have a good time and look at some cool art. We’ve put together a list of our favorite comics from all over the web in one place.

1. Owl Turd Comix

Owl Turd Comix

Shenanigansen, or Shen, is the person who came up with Owl Turd Comix in 2013.

As these comics progress, the subject matter changes a lot. They cover everything from fandoms to millennial life to identity to life inspiration. They put them on Shen’s main site, but many of them are also available on other websites.

When it was drawn in Photoshop, the cartooning was simple but expressive. It had both humans and animals as characters. Along with many metaphors and things being brought to life to make a point.

In some ways, this is one of the few comics that almost everyone can connect to.

2. Loading Artist

Loading Artist is a real and funny look at confidence, depression, life, and a few other things. It also has some random jokes.

Gregor has been running the comic for a long time now. We had a great interview with him a while back about how he felt about the comic.

In the archives, you’ll find funny comics about things that don’t move, like talking salt and pepper, as well as simple, stylized human figures in weird situations.

Cartoonist Gregor Czaykowski is very good at capturing strong emotions with very few lines. The facial expressions that make us laugh are our favorite. As a group, we would call this “Facepalm-inducing humor with a lot of charm.”

3. xkcd


If you want to know about romance, sarcastic humor, math and language in an online comic called “xkcd,” you can read it here.

You can’t say it better than that.

Before making xkcd, the artist worked on robots for NASA, and it shows. if you like math and science jokes, you’ll be right at home in this place.

Not at all. It’s just a bunch of letters that don’t make sense together. A simple fact about this comic should give you a good idea of how offbeat and fun it is to read.

Stick figures in black and white are used in the art style, which is very simple and easy to understand. It’s a lot of text but very interesting. If you’re into math, science, and technology, this is the webcomic you should check out. Even though you’ve heard of it before, don’t forget to check out the most recent ones!

4. Mr. Lovenstein

This webcomic is the definition of random, and it can be a little scary at times.

If that statement makes you want to check out this one, do so.

If you find yourself nodding and laughing in between eye rolls and snorts of laughter, you might think to yourself, “I’ve been there,” and say “Yes.” Especially this one, but also this one. Right?!)

Check the left side of the white space below each comic to see a hidden bonus panel!

5. Extra Fabulous Comics

Extra Fabulous Comics

This comic strip is very funny, but it’s a little NSFW.

Mildly off-color jokes to “OK, this is getting a little real.” The humor is sometimes depressing and disturbing in the best way possible, but in the best way possible.

Doesn’t make sense at this point? Take a look at it. You’ll get the point.

Zach is an artist who only goes by the name “Zach.” His work includes everything from fully colored, polished comics to quick sketches that were taken and put on paper. The topics range from the ridiculous to the real, and sometimes both at the same time.

The text on the artist’s Patreon button will give you a good idea of how he thinks.

6. Safely Endangered

This webcomic has a very simple art style and what we’d call “unexpected facepalm” humor in it.

Chris, the artist, makes a lot of different types of characters, like animals, insects, humans, and even food and other nonliving things.

A good book with a lot of very cute points.

7. Questionable Content

Questionable Content

Questionable Content is a comic about real-life relationships and problems. It has been running for more than a decade now. Jeph Jacques, the author of the comic strip, made his first strip in 2003. In May 2019, he made his 4,000th strip. Even if you manage to get up to speed, there will still be a lot to enjoy. Jacques posts new strips five days a week. Charming and real-life, this webcomic isn’t as “questionable” as one might think, even though it has a name that suggests it.

While Jacques doesn’t shy away from talking about things like sex, anxiety, suicide, and loss, these are just “sauces” on the hearty and rich world he’s built for us. His main characters, Marten Reed, Faye Whitaker, Dora Bianchi, and Hannalore Ellicott-Chatham, are all very complicated. Neither of the characters that show up in the book is not. For example, Jacques knows that what makes us unique is how we deal with our problems, how we hurt, and how we grow. As long as the comic is alive, he doesn’t hide how he sees life in an off-beat way that is still funny, even though he is old.

8. Namesake

I won’t go into too much detail about Namesake, because I don’t want to give away the surprise. Marvelous and beautiful, this comic is a mix of our world and the imaginary worlds we can only get to by reading books. It was written by Megan Lavey-Heaton and illustrated by Isabelle Melançon. Namesake is nostalgic, current, and even a little forward-thinking in its premise, storylines, and presentation.

People who watch Namesake live in a world that is a lot like the one we live in. There are also Namesakes and Writers, who can enter and act out stories that the rest of the world doesn’t believe are real. These people can make and change the stories, which in turn affects the Namesakes inside. Emma Crewe and her sister, Elaine, are the main characters in the story. The story gradually introduces a number of interesting and memorable characters. Namesake is a beautiful mix of nostalgia-laced fantasy and real, powerful stories. It captures the fantasy some of us left behind when we were young, but it also shows us how complicated the world we live in is. In addition, Namesake has a great cast of characters made by Lavey-Heaton and Melançon. This makes it a good choice for this list.



