9 Best Hawkeye Comics That You Should Reading Update 07/2024

Best Hawkeye Comics

As one of the older Marvel superheroes, Clint Barton has been in a lot of exciting situations. Clint first appeared in September 1964, 57 years ago. He started out as a bad guy because he first tried to fight Iron Man. Instead of going with the bad guys, he changed his mind and went with the good guys instead.

Clint has been through a lot over the years, and he’s going to face another one in the new Disney+ show. As a good thing, he won’t be alone. When he needs help, the new Hawkeye will be there for him. Kate first came on the scene in April 2005, but she has already done a lot. There are a lot of great comics to read if you want to learn more about both of the superheroes called Hawkeye.

1. The Matt Fraction Run

The Matt Fraction Run

The show will be on TV soon, and people who can’t wait should check out Matt Fraction’s Hawkeye run. If the show doesn’t use this storyline very much, it still has a lot to offer for fans of the character, even if it doesn’t.

Clint doesn’t like this story very much. Kate Bishop is his mentor and he has relationship problems. He also has to deal with the Tracksuit Draculas on top of all that. As a show, the comics will have a lot of the same ideas as the comics. For example, the Tracksuit Draculas will show up in the show as well. It will be interesting for the audience to see how the show and comics are different.

2. Hawkeye And His Brother

A lot of chaos can happen when families fight. This is what the MCU showed us. The comic Hawkeye: The Blind Spot explores this, as it focuses on the complicated relationship between Clint and his brother Barney.

This movie also has a villain that many people love from the MCU: Baron Zemo, who can put the brothers against each other and make them fight. If that wasn’t bad enough, Clint is also having trouble with his eyesight and is going blind over time. It’s a good book to read if you want to learn more about Hawkeye’s dark past.

3. Kate Flying Solo

Kate Flying Solo

Clint Barton isn’t the most well-known Hawkeye. Kate Bishop is the most well-known. Getting to know more about her is a good idea, because she will be in a new TV show. She has to learn how to stand up on her own in the 2016 Hawkeye TV show.

When she opens up a private investigation service, she makes new friends, and has a lot of problems to deal with, like the mystery of her mother’s whereabouts. There are people who want to learn more about Kate Bishop before they watch the show. They should read the series.

4. Hawkeye As Ronin

Shortly in the MCU, Clint Baron played Ronin. In Avengers: Endgame, this storyline didn’t have a lot of time for it (2019). The New Avengers comic book series did a better job of explaining it.

After the Civil War and the death of Captain America, Clint becomes “Ronin.” With the help of the team, the New Avengers fight from the shadows. Hawkeye’s head is shown in a new way in the story.

5. Hawkeye Is Deaf

Hawkeye Is Deaf

It might seem like a given now, but back in the 1980s, superheroes who had health problems or disabilities were still very rare, so it might not seem like a big deal. People who are deaf all over the world got a new hero when the 1983 Mark Gruenwald Hawkeye miniseries told them that Hawkeye was deaf.

In the first series, Hawkeye lost his hearing after a blast. But if anyone wants to try a different way of telling the same story, they should read the one where Clint went deaf as a child because his father beat him. These are important issues, and the Hawkeye comics do a great job of talking about them.

6. Kate Bishop’s Background Story

All-New Hawkeye is one of the best shows to show that Kate hasn’t had an easy life. In this comic book series, Kate learns that her father is a supervillain and that her mother is a vampire. After all, even though Eleanor turns out to be looking for a cure, it’s still a lot to think about.

To make things even worse, Kate has to choose between her mom and her best friend. It’s not clear if the show will show Eleanor as a vampire like in the comics. As long as the fans want to find out more about Kate and her life, they should read this story.

7. The Ultimate Hawkeye

The Ultimate Hawkeye

The Ultimate comic book series gave many heroes new stories about how they came to be. Clint was one of them. The Ultimate series is even more fun for people who know the original comics. They can read the Ultimate series and see how things have changed.

If you look at the comic book version of Hawkeye, for example, he didn’t do any of these things. He didn’t get married or have kids. This shows where the MCU gets its ideas from.

8. All-New Hawkeye Vol. 5 #1-5 (2015)

It starts with Hawkeye Vol. 4, but this series goes even deeper into the lives of Barton and Bishop. Jeff Lemire, Ramón Perez, Ian Herring, Joe Sabino, and Sana Amanat keep going. This time, Kate Bishop has a lot more screen time because the history of the Hawkeye mantle is being looked at.

The story is mostly about a Hydra-related, secret experiment called Project Communion that has scary consequences. Team Hawkeye is hot on the trail of the experiment as they try to figure out what this mysterious operation is all about. It’s revealed that Hawkeye and his brother Barney were physically abused by their father (and stepfather) when they were young by their father and stepfather, which makes the book even more interesting. Because of Kate’s memories of the past, we can see why she chose Hawkeye as the hero she would like to be like. One of the best books I’ve ever read. It’s a thrilling story that seamlessly combines the history of the Hawkeye mantle into one fun read.

9. Hawkeye Vol. 4 (2012)

Remember when I said that Vol. 1 was thought to be the best Hawkeye solo story until Matt Fraction came along? It’s here. It came right after the big MCU movie The Avengers (2012). Hawkeye Vol. 4 by Matt Fraction and David Aja is often called the best Hawkeye story ever written. It gives readers the most realistic view of Barton that Marvel Comics has ever seen. Hawkeye’s “when he’s not an Avenger” activities are shown to us in a shoddy apartment in New York City, and then we see what he does on a day-to-day basis in Barton. There are new mythos about Hawkeye as well, like the Tracksuit Mafia, Boomerang Arrows, Kate Bishop as a fellow Hawkeye, and the crowd favorite Pizza Dog. We even get to see Clint and his brother, Barney, work together at the end of the book.

It’s a well-written book that captures the essence of what makes Hawkeye interesting over the course of his entire life and places him in a setting that isn’t threatened by planetary crises or other masked crusaders. In fact, he doesn’t even wear a full costume except for the purple clothes that he always wears. This is why it’s so stable. So, please read the whole thing. A lot of people will be happy with it.