6 Best Way To Store Comics That You Should Know Update 07/2024

Best Way To Store Comics

Getting comics is becoming more popular every day. It was better than ever. With a lot of products on the market, we can now do this more quickly. The best way to store comics if you’re a newcomer is to look at this page.

Today, I’m going to show you the best ways to store your comic books. These ways will help you better manage and organize your collection. You will be able to use the space you have in your home to its fullest.

Do not worry even if you are just beginning and your collection is small. It talks about everyone. Everyone, even if they have a lot of different things. For everyone: I have a suggestion for you all. So let’s not waste any time and get started:

1. Bags and Boards

If you’re really into comics and want to show them off, this is the first thing you should do. If you want your comics to last a long time and be in the best shape possible, you need to bag and board them.

What you need to do is buy some bags and boards from Amazon and put your comics in them. This is what you need to do. It’s then that you need to put a backing board behind that bag. Keep your comics in the best shape possible by making them flat and stiff.

These bags might not be long enough for bronze comics. So, keep that in mind. However, they are a great match for comics from both the present and the past.

These bags keep your comics safe, no matter if you are taking them on a trip or just keeping them at home. As a bonus, they will also keep your comics from getting wet.

This is very important if you want to start a comic book library. Keep your comics in these bags if you don’t have a lot of them. You can keep them there until you have more comics.

Then you should keep using them, but you’ll need to come up with other solutions. For example, after you board them, you’ll need to store them in storage boxes or shelves, and many more things, Don’t worry, I’m going to write about all of them in this post.

2. Accordion Organizer

These come one level up in your comic books. In this case, your collection has started to grow, but it is still very small at this point This is most likely what you should do. These organizers are very strong and can even give your comics a good look.

Getting one of these Accordion Organizers from Amazon is all you need to do. You can choose one based on the size of your collection. Then, put your comics inside them. This is not what these are made for, but we can use them to organize our comics better.

But don’t buy these organizers if you have a lot of comics yet. The reason is that as your collection grows, there are more profitable ways for you to make money. Which means that these organizers will be no more.

3. Magazine File Holders

Magazine file holders are also a great way to store your comic books. It’s a good idea if you are new to comics and don’t have many comics to store.

With that said, they can’t hold a lot of comics for you because of how they look. They can only hold a lot of trade paperbacks or a few dozen single editions.

Besides, if you’re just starting out, this might be the best way for you to go. They also look better and work better if you already have a bookshelf or something to show them off.

In most cases, they come in black, blue, and red only. People might not like how they look. For that, I think you should try Découpage, which is a French word for gluing colored paper cutouts to a surface.

This is what you should do. You should cut off the cover of your old comics and put them on the cardboard of your file holder. This looks like something that would look great on a wall. For more ideas, you can look on the web.

4. Storage Boxes

This one is the next step in your comic book collection journey, so don’t forget about it. When your collection grows or you already have a lot of comics, you’re going to need these boxes.

They have packs of 10 boxes that come in short or long sizes. The difference isn’t hard to figure out. The short boxes can hold up to 150-175 comics that are both current and from the past. With bronze age comics, you might have trouble.

However, a long box can hold 200-225 comics. That number can go down a little if you start by bagging and boarding them first, which I think is a good idea.

These boxes aren’t very soft, but they have been tested to carry up to 200 lb of weight. These boxes have handles and a bottom that are twice as thick. It’s so you can carry them with ease.

This double thickness can also help protect your comics from some moisture damage. So if you don’t have too many or too few things, these storage boxes are the way to go.

You can also travel with at least one box with you very well. Unless you have a lot of things, I don’t think it’s a good idea to take them on trips. Then you should start to show and show off them now.

5. Storage Cabinets or Drawers

A storage cabinet is one of the simplest and most trusted ways to store things.

You can buy them almost anywhere, at prices that aren’t too high. For comic books that are about the same price, you should use cheap cabinet.

However, you should still think about buying cabinets with strong shelves where you can store your books.

On the other hand, you might want to keep them in smaller amounts to protect both the comics and the bookcase. They can also be separated by other things to make the cabinet look more interesting.

Because the storage cabinet can be used in many different ways, it also has a strong point that draws people in. You can both keep your comic books safe and use them quickly.

As a side note, you should also pay attention to how well-made storage cabinets are. To make sure your comics stay safe. A good owner will make sure that the comic books don’t get moldy or get eaten by bugs.

6. Book Shelves

In the same way as cabinets and drawers, book shelves aren’t any different. There were some comic books that could be stored in it because of how it was made and the materials it used.

It will be easy to find comic books that are neatly organized with a vertical orientation on certain shelves. With this method, you can easily change the storybooks.

Putting books in this way only keeps a certain number of them. To make sure both the transmission and the cabinet are good, you should think about how to set it up.