14 Best Movies Like If I Stay That You Should Watching Update 07/2024

movies like if i stay

After a car accident claims the lives of everyone in her family, a young woman must decide whether she wants to live or die. As Mia, played by Chloe Grace Moretz, her life had been going swimmingly. She was fortunate to have supportive parents and a close sibling. She had recently auditioned for entry into Julliard, a prestigious music school, and had done exceptionally well on the cello.

She and her family take a road trip while they wait to hear back on their audition. However, while traveling, they are involved in an accident, and everything for Mia changes as a result. When she awakens, she discovers she is invisible and unheard. She’s experiencing a form of telekinesis, or an experience of being outside of one’s body. It’s a constant struggle for her not to go back in her body and die or to go back and live without the people she loves.

In a heartbreaking performance that will leave you crying, “If I Stay” depicts the struggle of someone who has lost everything and is on the verge of giving up. ‘If I Stay’ is classified as a romantic film, but it is so much more. Yes, love is at the center of the story. However, it’s also about the importance of family, aspirations, and a will to live. Here is our pick of motion pictures that we think you’ll enjoy if you like ‘If I Stay.’ Many of these films, such as If I Stay, are available on streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime.

14. What Dreams May Come (1998)

What Dreams May Come (1998)

The first time Chris Nielsen and Annie Collins meet, they fall head over heels in love. They get married, have two children, and their lives are idyllic. Until one day, when both of their children are killed in a car accident. They’re considering ending their marriage because of the stress. They manage to survive, however, and their union is saved. An additional year goes by and Chris succumbs to his injuries. When he finally wakes up, he discovers that he’s still on Earth. After the tragedy, he makes an effort to get in touch with his wife, who has become depressed. Sadly, all of his efforts have resulted in more suffering. He makes the decision to depart and finds himself in a better place. On the other hand, his wife, who has grown tired of their situation, takes her own life and goes to Hell as a result of it. Chris is now forced to come up with a plan to save her.

13. The Lovely Bones (2009)

Susie Salmon, a fourteen-year-old high school freshman, has big plans for her future. She is lured into George Harvey’s house by her next-door neighbor George Harvey one day as she is returning from school. She begins to feel uneasy and makes an unsuccessful attempt to flee. Her eyes open wide and her mind races as she realizes that no one is able to see her as she tries to flee. There’s no way for her to interact with anyone in the afterlife because Harvey raped and killed her. She’s trapped.

12. For One More Day (2007)

For One More Day (2007)

Film based on Mitch Albom’s book of the same name about a man who gets one day with his dead mother. Mia was forced into an unfortunate situation in “If I Stay,” but in “For One More Day,” we see a man who is contemplating suicide. Charles decides to put an end to his misery after his athletic career goes to shambles, his marriage falls apart, and nothing else seems to be working. He loses control of his vehicle while driving down the highway and crashes into a tree. He finds himself back in his hometown when he awakens. Unsure of how he got there, he returns to his house and encounters his mother as a child. He tries to contact his mother after he believes he is dead. However, she continues to treat him as if he were a small child.

11. Dreams Come True (1984)

A coma isn’t necessary to have an out-of-body encounter. While their bodies are sleeping, a young couple practices and perfects the art of astral projection. As soon as they get their hands on it, they do things they could never do in their corporeal forms, like travel to places they’d never be able to go and see things no one else has ever seen before. This is something they enjoy doing, and they keep getting better at it. However, there are risks associated with such behavior.

10. In Your Eyes (2014)

In Your Eyes (2014)

If the romantic side of ‘If I Stay’ appealed to you, then you may not be into typical love stories like the rest of the population. That’s when ‘In Your Eyes’ will satisfy your craving. Two people are shown to be connected in the strangest of ways in this film. The ability to see through the eyes of a woman from another part of the country has existed in men since childhood. To begin, they appear as brief flashes, and each individual believes they are insane. However, as time passes, they come to understand their connection and begin communicating with one another. Despite the fact that they begin to fall in love, there is a small issue. The young lady has already been engaged to another man.

9. PS I Love You (2007)

A break from all of this is totally understandable after watching a film as intense as ‘If I Stay.’. It’s possible that you’re in the mood for one thing but prefer something a little more lighthearted. The answer, of course, is ‘PS I Love You.’ However, I must warn you in advance that you will need plenty of tissues and ice cream on hand for this movie. When Holly’s husband suddenly passes away from a long-term illness, she is devastated. Not able to cope with the loss of her husband, she isolates herself in her house. However, around the time of her 30th birthday, her close friends and family members begin to make an effort to break through her shell and engage with them. One more person is making an effort to do this. He’s the one she’s been seeing. Apparently, he wrote her letters and planned trips before his death because he was worried about how she would feel without him.

8. Before I Fall (2017)

Before I Fall (2017)

The film ‘If I Go’ is the type that defies easy categorization. It deals with a slew of issues at once. “Before I Fall” has a similar effect on the listener. Samantha is a well-liked student. She’s witty, attractive, and she’s dating a hot guy. A typical teenager, she can be rude and self-centered at times, but she can also be kind and outgoing when the situation calls for it. There is nothing special planned for her on the 12th of February. She just hangs out with her regular group of friends and is herself. After school, they go to a party and fight with a girl they tease in class. They are killed in an accident on the way home from the party. After that, on the morning of the 12th, Samantha is awakened by the sound of her alarm. As the day progresses, the same scenario repeats itself time and time again. She goes to sleep, and then she wakes up. Frustrated by what’s happening, she tries to change her days, but there’s one thing she needs to fix first.

7. Comet (2014)

On the night of a spectacular meteor shower, Dell and Kimberley happen to cross paths. In spite of his negative outlook, Dell can’t resist the allure of a spectacular night and a stunning woman. So that’s how they get started dating. Things happen that threaten to separate them over the course of six years, but they also happen that allow them to become closer than they’ve ever been. Furthermore, the story does not follow chronological order, and it also does not occur in the same universe, which makes it all the more intriguing!

6. The Time Traveller’s Wife (2009)

The Time Traveller’s Wife (2009)

In case you’re still debating whether or not ‘If I Stay’ was a romantic film, then ‘The Time Traveller’s Wife’ is a good choice. In the end, the moral of the story is that love knows no bounds. Henry and Claire have already been together for a long time when they meet for the first time. When Claire and Henry meet for the first time after a long marriage, they are already divorced. Confused? This film’s concept is complex, but at its core, it is a love story — a very beautiful one at that — with a happy ending. A two-hour film couldn’t cover all of Audrey Niffenegger’s material in her best-selling novel, and that material was simply too much for the filmmakers to cover in their film adaptation. However, the film was able to hold on to the most important elements and provided us with the heartbreaking story of Claire and Henry.

5. The Five People You Meet in Heaven (2004)

This, my friends, is a gripping tale. Knowing that Mitch Albom’s novel of the same name is profound and moving will help you appreciate this story even more. Then watch this movie or read the book if you’re interested. In this story, an elderly man named Eddie sacrifices his life in order to save a young girl from certain death at a circus. When he wakes up, he’s a child again, reliving the events of his life — except this time, he’s not by himself. Five people who had the greatest impact on his life are introduced to him. The people who have had the greatest impact on your life—those who have been the most significant in your life—might think you know them by now. This story will challenge your assumptions and get you to reevaluate your viewpoints.

4. If Only (2004)

If Only (2004)

The couple, Ian and Samantha, have been together for many years. Until Ian no longer values Samantha’s efforts in maintaining a healthy relationship. Then one day, as was customary, he was more preoccupied with his work than she was, she was attempting to get his attention, and he was neglecting the things that were important to her. Finally, they have an altercation, she gets into a taxi and dies when the taxi is hit by a bus. He doesn’t get into the taxi and survives. While going through her belongings, he weeps and mourns for her and passes out from exhaustion. He discovers her sleeping next to him when he wakes up. She appears to be a ghost at first, and he believes it. He is, in fact, reliving the events of the day she died. He now understands that she will perish. He must find a way to save her. However, he must also adore her.

3. Enter the Void (2009)

Oscar and Linda, two younger siblings from Tokyo, are currently studying in the United States. Oscar is a drug trafficker, and Linda is a prostitute. Oscar is a drug dealer. Oscar is shot and killed by the police during a botched drug bust. When he finally does wake up, he discovers that he’s in an afterlife. He watched as the past, present, and future all fell into place before his eyes. While in the past, he observes the love and family life of his parents; while in the present, he sees his own autopsy; while in the future, he watches over his sister like an angel on her shoulder.

2. Defending Your Life (1991)

When people say that after death, God judges their deeds, they’re probably not referring to the movie ‘Defending Your Life,’ where this occurs. There are numerous obstacles in our way of pursuing our goals and fulfilling our potential. A similar way of life has been followed by Daniel. Following his death by car accident, he awakens in a place where his bravery and loyalty will be judged. Has he had the guts to leave that place behind and find something better?

1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

As soon as Joel and Clementine got to know one another, they were smitten. After a while of dating, they begin to encounter some difficulties in their union. When Clementine suddenly decides to leave him, Joel is shocked to find that she has no idea who he is. It was as if their relationship, as well as her memories of him, had vanished. It turned out to be exactly what I thought it was all along! Because she didn’t want the pain of ending her relationship with Joel, Clementine had him erased from her mind. As a result, Joel decides to take action on his own behalf. But, as the procedure starts, he feels reluctant to let go of her. When love is in your heart, how can you get it out of your brain? This film, one of the greatest love stories ever told and a personal favorite of mine, will force you to reconsider what love really means.