10 Best Movies About Climate Change That You Should Watching Update 07/2024

Movies About Climate Change

We’ve never been more concerned about climate change and global warming. In the last few decades, people have broken all kinds of environmental records.

The COVID-19 pandemic, which occurred during the hottest decade on record for the world, saw an unprecedented amount of natural disasters as a result of our disregard for the environment.

It was a year of terrible weather anomalies, including the bushfire and forest fire in Australia, flooding in Vietnam and the Philippines, and 12-year highs in deforestation in places like the Amazon rainforest..

These concerns may seem insurmountable, but many people are working to tackle them one at a time in order to make our planet a better and healthier place to live.

Through videos, you may learn about climate change issues in great detail, as well as possible solutions. Considering nightmarish visions like The Day After Tomorrow or The Core, Hollywood hasn’t always had the best track record when it comes to climate change flicks.

Other movies have delved further into these issues, relying on solid evidence from the scientific community to support their narratives. Documentaries about activists like Greta Thunberg or the dangers of excessive CO2 emissions are good examples outside of Hollywood of the need of keeping up with current events.

1. Chasing Ice

Chasing Ice

Jeff Orlowski’s 2012 film, one of the most popular climate change movies, follows wildlife photographer James Balog as he documents the melting of the Arctic glaciers. As it pertains to Greenland, Alaska, and Iceland, Balog is an engaging and eloquent speaker on the subject of global warming.

Using Balog’s unique time-lapse photography process known as Extreme Ice Survey, Orlowski crafts a heartbreaking story about the effects of climate change.

2. Chasing Coral

Chasing Coral, Jeff Orlowski’s follow-up to his 2016 documentary Chasing Ice, is a return to climate change activism. Human activity’s impact on the reef’s natural ecosystems is examined in relation to coral bleaching in this devastating video.

Orlowski follows a team of divers, photographers, and marine scientists as they document the deterioration of these once vibrant reefs and the vanishing fauna that formerly lived there.

3. Interstellar


This space exploration movie by Christopher Nolan is not overtly about climate change, but its concepts could not be more important to challenges of global warming and establishing a better future.

Movie stars Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, and Michael Caine star in this tale of a group looking to escape the ravages of climate change and worldwide film shortages.

Despite the fact that Nolan’s novel is fiction, its depiction of Earth is dangerously close to where our world is headed if we don’t find solutions to concerns like spatial sustainability and renewable resources.

4. The Hottest August

Brett Story’s essay video surveys a small group of New Yorkers in August 2017 and asks, “What does the future look like?”

A broad question like this will elicit a wide range of responses, which is to be expected. Nonetheless, it provides an illuminating glimpse into how people assess the current health of our world and what they see as the most pressing challenges on it. To construct something better, perhaps we only need to unite in our fear of the future.

5. Snowpiercer


It’s not for the faint of stomach to watch Bong Joon-future Ho’s class warfare drama about a train that rounds the world after an Ice Age kills everything save the passengers on that vessel. What our future could look like if we don’t handle climate change as a planet and work to reverse the damage done to this world is depicted in this gruesome (and highly funny) cautionary tale. There are two additional films by Bong that you might enjoy: Okja and The Host, both of which explore themes of ethical progress and pollution, both of which are inextricably linked to climate change.

6. An Inconvenient Truth

Former US vice president Al Gore’s documentary by Davis Guggenheim about his work in spreading awareness of climate change isn’t the most exciting title on this list. It’s easy to get the impression that you’re sitting through a presentation of monumental importance.

While this film may be depressing at times, it is also the most inspiring, since it reveals the numerous underlying scientific theories and implications of man-made global warming. His explanations aren’t showy, but he makes complicated ideas like the Keeling Curve understandable to practically any audience that’s willing to hear them.

7. This Changes Everything

This Changes Everything

Climate change can be reversed, and so can our economic systems, according to Avi Lewis’ film, based on the best-selling nonfiction book of the same name.

Filmmaker Lewis has chosen to center his story about social change on seven different locations throughout the world.

In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, anti-gold mine rallies in Greece, and First Nations tribes protesting against the Oil Sands in Alberta, it’s an inspiring reminder of the power of people to change the world around them.

8. Anthropocene: The Human Epoch

This is the final installment of a trilogy detailing how the Earth entered a new geographic age in the mid-20th century. Documentary photographer who traverses the world to record the destructive impacts of human imperialism.

Another powerful argument for rethinking how we connect with our homes is made in the film by Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier, and Edward Burtynsky.

9. Racing Extinction

Racing Extinction

Based on the Oscar-winning The Cove, this documentary focuses on how human activity has impacted nearly half of all species on Earth.

Experiments in the lab, site photography, and picture comparisons are used to investigate the increasing pace of species extinction. The proof of problems like ocean acidification, rising temperatures, and CO2 emissions is brought to light as a result of his work.

10. I Am Greta

Greta Thunberg, an 18-year-old Swedish activist who has been making news for years by calling on world leaders to do more to address climate change challenges, is the subject of the newest film on this list, I Am Greta. In Nathan Grossman’s documentary, she conducts school protests, juggles being a teen, and bravely travels from Plymouth, England, to New York City on a small boat to attend a US Climate Summit. One of the current leaders of the conversation is examined in this hopeful but disturbing light. One of the best examples of how to get people together and actually do something, rather than just talk about it.

Are you motivated to help make a difference in the world? You’ll be more involved in the issues after watching these films.

You can contribute in a variety of ways, but one place to start is with your bank. Aspiration understands the value of making investments in firms that are committed to doing business ethically, sustainably, and without the use of fossil fuels. Don’t be a part of the problem by not doing your bit.