14 Movies About Bullying That You Should Watching Update 07/2024

Movies About Bullying

In my youth, the concept of a school shooting seemed beyond of the realm of possibility. People couldn’t comprehend how someone under the age of 18 could be so enraged with the world that they would take their rage out on others around them.

Anxious and violent people didn’t exist back then; it was a calmer era.

What happened after Columbine? It’s a mystery to me why this happened, but it did. Some people started to worry about their own safety.'” Bullying and mental health issues began to be discussed more openly.

In the end, that didn’t appear to solve the problem of school shootings, bullying or cyberbullying or anything else.

Bullying has become a reality in our society and movie producers have realized that anti-bullying films may make a difference in the lives of children and adults alike and teach them how to deal with bullying in the workplace, school and online.

Bullying affects individuals of all ages and walks of life, and these 14 films about the topic highlight how serious the problem is and what can be done about it.

The 14 Best Movies About Bullying and Where to Watch Them

1. Bowling for Columbine

Bowling for Columbine

It doesn’t matter if you like or dislike his films, Michael Moore helped pioneer the genre of documentaries about bullying. His investigation of the Columbine school killing, its causes, and what drives teenagers to kill was the first of its kind.

Was there any sort of bullying going on? Is it possible that a group of teenagers pumped themselves up to commit mass murder? Is it possible to play games? All while being relevant decades after the events depicted in the film “Bowling for Columbine.”

2. Mean Girls

“Mean Girls,” although being released in 2004, remains one of the most often referenced films of its era. It’s a familiar tale: a new girl at school is introduced to the “mean girl clique,” and the girl begins to transform into one of the “mean girls.”

With its amusing, heartbreaking, and poignant moments, as well as times when the characters just seem like people you know, it’s hard to put down. Regina George is, after all, a household name.

3. A Girl Like Her

A Girl Like Her

In school or work, have you ever had someone torture you, yet it was impossible to establish that they were harming you? You, of course, were. Bullies can be cunning and sneak up on us, thus it happens to the majority of us.

Bullied teenage girl asks her male friend to assist her establish that “kind, innocent, and beautiful” queen of the school is actually queen of meanness in “A Girl Like Her” drama. According to the tagline, “Based on a million true stories.” You’ll be able to identify with what I’m going through.

4. Cyberbully

Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words cannot hurt me. “

Not so fast. If you’ve ever been involved in a particularly nasty online dispute, you know how painful it can be to exchange words. Unlike other forms of bullying, cyberbullying doesn’t stop when you leave the house, unlike other forms of bullying.

“Cyberbully” tells the story of a girl who is being electronically bullied by a classmate, and the extent to which her mother goes to help her. It’s shocking, to put it mildly.

5. Wonder


“Wonder,” unlike most films about bullying, has an inspiring tone. For the most part, this film is based on the true tale of a little kid who was born with an extremely unusual facial abnormality, and how he overcame the bullying he faced at school and helped make the world a better place in the process.

You’ll cry your eyes out watching this movie. It was awarded a Humanitarian Award and has since become one of the most critically regarded films of the last decade. This is something you must see.

6. Carrie

Carrie, a 1976 film about bullying, was one of the earliest examples of the genre. Everything in this film was based on the fantasy of anyone who’s ever been tormented by a huge group of students at school.

During a school dance, the jocks drenched a psychic and telekinetic nerd in animal blood, pushing her to her breaking point. Her retaliation surpasses anyone’s expectations in a way that no one could have predicted.

7. Audrie and Daisy

“Bowling for Columbine” opened the door to a slew of documentaries about bullying, but it’s not the only one out there. “Audrie and Daisy,” a documentary about two young girls who were bullied online, is the newest film in this category.

When it comes to sexual assault and humiliation, this film is very powerful. For those who are sensitive to these subjects, it may be best to avoid this one.

8. Revenge of the Nerds

Revenge of the Nerds

Okay, I’ll explain. If this 1980s film were filmed today, it would most certainly be prohibited for its lack of socially acceptable content. About spite of these flaws, it nonetheless provides a valuable lesson in bullying and presents a compelling story of how the “nerds” overcame their bullies.

This cult favorite is packed of wit, eccentricity, and yes, downright crassness. If that’s what you do, you should certainly watch this. You’ll be embraced by your inner nerd.

9. Bully

Students, instructors, and parents who wish to better grasp the intricacies of modern-day bullying should see the 2011 film “Bully.” They are no longer hefty kids who demand lunch money from their victims. They’re kids who go out of their way to cause harm to others, wreak havoc, and harass them.

‘Bully’ is a powerful documentary with stunning visuals, thought-provoking dialogue, and a story that speaks true to real life. Two of the tormented teens shown in this documentary committed suicide. After seeing this, you’ll be inconsolable and wonder about the state of humanity.

10. The Devil Wears Prada

The Devil Wears Prada

There are workplace bullies, too, and I want to make it clear that bullying doesn’t cease at the high school level. As depicted in “The Devil Wears Prada,” life in a bully-free environment is depicted well in this film.

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It’s a lot of work. It’s a fad these days. In many ways, it’s like “Mean Girls” in the real world. This might be a good choice for you if you enjoy films about the workplace.

11. The Karate Kid

When a New Jersey youngster moves to Los Angeles, he is confronted by a school bully who is enraged and resentful of his newfound fame. After learning karate to defend himself, he faces off in a contest against his tormentor.

Rather of being afraid, the film reminds us that there are many ways to fight back.

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12. Fat Boy Chronicles

Fat Boy Chronicles

This 2010 film tells the story of an overweight youngster who, despite being bullied and harassed by his peers, decides to pursue his dreams of losing weight and wooing the girl of his dreams.

13. Heathers

Heathers takes high-school bullying to a new extreme. Veronica and her new boyfriend, anti-bullying advocate JD, are the focus of the film. However, Veronica joins the most popular clique in the school, despite her disapproval of her “friends” nasty actions.

You know that bullying isn’t worth it when you see this caricature of adolescent life.

14. Disconnect


Using social media and the internet, this drama/thriller chronicles the stories of a diverse collection of people. Student tormented on social network; woman seeks support on internet forum and young man works for webcam sex service..