8 Best Movies About Androids That You Should Watching Update 07/2024

Movies About Androids

There are numerous sci-fi horror films that include menacing android adversaries, both well-known and obscure.

Interacting with something that appears to be similar but is actually completely different might be unnerving. Even in Robin Williams’ children’s movies, androids have appeared. However, horror is the genre that has the greatest of an effect on people.

As a horror film mirror, androids are the most effective use of the technology available. A reflection of the way people treat one another as a whole. Reflection of humanity’s insatiable desire for growth and decrease of labour. There are many ways in which androids might aid with character development. However, this does not rule out the possibility that the android has other plans for them.

1. David – Prometheus (2012) & Alien: Covenant (2017)

Prometheus (2012)

No matter how many problems the films Alien: Covenant and Prometheus have, Michael Fassbender’s portrayal of David (and Walter) will never be forgotten.

One of David’s greatest strengths is his ability to keep their genuine intentions hidden. The fear of David’s desire to build “the perfect organism” pales in comparison to his admiration for death’s depravity. Humans are just bugs to David, and he shows it with a chilling manner to make it plain. In addition, he is a well-known figure in

2. The Wives – The Stepford Wives (1975)

The Stepford Wives (1975) is a terrible concept in action, even if you disregard the utterly awful Frank Oz adaptation from 2005. In cinematic history, men have abused and enslaved women, but never has the expectation of robotic submission been so perfectly realized. In fact, films like Get Out, inspired by The Stepford Wives, have become modern classics.

Joanna Eberhart (Katharine Ross) goes to Fairfield County, Connecticut, with her husband and two daughters. Eberhart quickly notes that the other spouses’ behavior is erratic and uninteresting. In the beginning, she sees it as a form of oppression in a town that has yet to embrace women’s rights. She soon discovers, however, that the wives aren’t exactly what they seem. It turns out they’re androids designed to exclusively talk about and act in accordance with the wishes of their vile partners.

3. Ellie’s Robot Duplicate – Halloween III: Season Of The Witch (1982)

Halloween III Season Of The Witch (1982)

Towards the end of Halloween III: Season of the Witch, Ellie Grimbridge displays some strange behavior. When Dr. Dan Challis saves her, she is expressionless and mute. After smashing Cochran’s Stonehenge rune, the two drive off in an attempt to remove the commercial from the airwaves..

He inquires about Ellie’s well-being because her eyes are still vacant. As she tries to snap his neck, she doesn’t respond at all. They fight, and he uses a crowbar to hurl the android’s head to the ground. Both the sudden awareness that Ellie is no longer alive and the jarring note on the music help make this disclosure powerful. If you watch it, you are compelled to relive the last time you saw Ellie.

4. Gunslinger – Westworld (1973)

This early 1970s sci-fi western featuring Yul Brynner (The Magnificent Seven) as a highly lifelike android was written and directed by Michael Crichton (Jurassic Park).

The legacy of Westworld is much more remarkable than the show itself. Of particular note is the hugely popular HBO series of the same name. There is a theme park for adults where people pay to engage with realistic robots in various ways. In spite of the androids in the series, the character played by Yul Brynner as the Gunslinger continues to raise the most hairs on necks.

5. M.A.R.K.-13  – Hardware (1990)

Hardware (1990)

Even while the hardware is intriguing, it’s hard to look at it and not think of Terminator. In contrast to the famous Cameron picture, this one takes place fully in the future.

Instead of going back in time, the android constructs itself from a single head all the way to a fully functioning body. Scavenger Mo (Dylan McDermott) and metal sculptor Jill are next in line for the attack (Stacey Travis, giving a performance that elevates the film as a whole).

6. Replicants – Blade Runner

The handling of the Replicants in Ridley Scott’sBlade Runner, while technically science fiction, is terrifying in and of itself. They’ve become dangerous as a result of society’s neglect of them.

Because they’ve been forced into a corner and are afraid, Pris (Daryl Hannah), Roy Batty (Rutger Hauer), Zhora (Joanna Cassidy), and Leon (Brion James) all become deadly. Replicants are significantly more capable than flesh-and-blood humans when it comes to overcoming fear as a driving force. Blade Runneris still relevant now because of its many foreshadowing narrative themes.

7. Ash – Alien (1979)

Alien (1979)

Alien’sAsh, like the deadliest androids, has a mind of gold. Nostromo’s science officer Ash appears to be a very low-key member of the ship’s crew.

After a while, Ash is shown to be a guy who is willing to risk the lives of his crew to save a single person (Kane). For Weyland-Yutani, capturing “the perfect creature” is the primary goal. As it turns out, Ash is not only a snake, but also manufactured. Suffocation fails when his head is forced off and his body is seen to be covered in white stringy sludge. It isn’t Ripley’s attempted murder that is Ash’s deadliest moment, but rather his frigid (and synthetically sardonic) response to the question of the crew’s survival chance.

8. T-800 – The Terminator (1984)

The original T-800 is still the most dreadful, notwithstanding minor improvements (such as the shape-shifting T-1000). Some of the most iconic Terminator movie motifs may be traced back to it.

In comparison to the T-800, the T-1000 is even more humanoid. The Terminator, a film by James Cameron, eliminated the life that could be taken from the invincible opponent. Even while Arnold Schwarzenegger’s T-800 may resemble us, it isn’t us at all. In this case, it doesn’t matter what the target does or says. The T-800 is on its way, and it won’t stop until it’s wiped out or the target has been eliminated.