10 Best Spiderman Movies That You Should Watching Update 07/2024

Best Spiderman Movies

In our opinion, how the Spider-Man films stack up.

Let us know who your favorite Spider-Man is in the comments below!

Since Spider-Man: No Way Home appears determined to drag everyone back into the fray with all of its multiverse nonsense, now is a great opportunity to review the prior movies and rank them!

Considering the number of Spider-Man films out there, we’ve chosen to compile a list of the greatest and worst of the bunch.

Listed here are the many Sony-Marvel Spider-Man films.

10. Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

On its release, Spider-Man 3 was widely panned as a spoof of the better Sam Raimi Spider-Man films. It has fared better than expected throughout the years, thanks in part to the enormous memetic resource that was created as a result of its impact. Spider-Man 3 has spawned more GIFs and memes than any other film, save perhaps Lord of the Rings or the Star Wars prequel trilogy. When it comes to revisiting, it’s an entirely different experience. In 2021, it’s a joy to play, despite its initial bulk and strangeness.

9. Venom (2018)

On a first date, I watched Venom and instantly passed out half way through. There are no quiet corners in this cinema. My apologies to anyone who enjoy the symbiote’s gnasher.

8. Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021)

Venom Let There Be Carnage (2021)

A sequel seldom outperforms its predecessor, but Venom: Let There Be Carnage manages to do so in all respects. It’s a lot funnier, the action is better, and the tale as a whole is much more interesting. Venom: The Lethal Protector is a film that truly wraps up the original film’s genesis tale, with our protagonist eventually deciding to become the “lethal protector” anti-hero. If you were a fan of the original film, you’ll appreciate this one, too. As for the original Venom, there’s a good chance that this movie will win you over.

7. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)

All of the work that The Amazing Spider-Man put in to establish Peter Parker as a Spider-Man with a shaky moral compass, came tumbling down in this sequel.

Gwen and Harry were both surprised when Peter showed up at their doorsteps, and Harry was even more perplexed as to why Peter had shown up in the first place. Aunt May’s increasingly embarrassing scenes will not be mentioned.

Spider-Man 3’s bloated and chaotic. It will cause you to have nightmares about the Green Goblin for the wrong reasons.

6. Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)

Spider-Man Far From Home (2019)

Spider-Man: Homecoming is a welcome return to the core of what I love about movies in a post-blip era. Even if the rest of the picture is more flash than substance at times, the romance and awkwardness between Peter and MJ gives this one a wonderfully nostalgic vibe.

The VFX are stunning, the twist works, and Jake Gyllenhaal is a charming addition to the movie, but Peter and his buddies are what we care about the most. Because that’s exactly what these movies live on! Aside from being a high-flying web-slinger with a serious crush on his closest friend, he’s also a normal high school student. It’s heartbreaking to watch him deal with all of that at the same time that he grieves the loss of his mentor. The purpose of my visit is to assist you in accomplishing that goal.

5. The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

In my opinion, this film’s reputation for being a bad film is only a little bit warranted.

First-time director Marc Webb, who made (500) Days of Summer, made it feel like a modest independent picture. Across the room, Peter was giggling at Gwen, who was looking at him. ‘Til Kingdom Come, initially composed by Coldplay for Johnny Cash to perform over the skateboard scene, was reworked by the band.

It doesn’t stop there: Peter’s Spider-Man moves really mimic skating moves, as well as being more spider-like than those of the other Spider-Man characters. Stutter, jazz hands, and general oddness of Andrew Garfield. The shockingly gorgeous bare breast scene.

Several sections of this film are excellent. When it wasn’t so cringe-inducing and forced in its humor. When there weren’t so many sad deaths, life would be much more enjoyable. Spider-Man 3’s universe should give Garfield another chance to shine, and I hope he does.

4. Spider-Man (2002)

Spider-Man (2002)

As someone who is arachnophobic, I put off viewing this for a long time, but it’s definitely worth the effort. A roller coaster of a movie, from the over-the-top Green Goblin to the heartfelt moments (Uncle Ben, I’m looking at you), it was an enjoyable experience from beginning to end.

Although I cringe at some of the memes while watching it back, it’s a terrific beginning point for a superhero movie with tremendous action and the proper amount of craziness. Sam Raimi was able to combine the lighthearted with the serious in a way that should serve as a model for modern superhero films. It’s not all stoic expressions and savage beatings. JK Simmons and Willem Dafoe alone are worth the price of admission.

3. Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

Getting enthusiastic about another relaunch is difficult. Nonetheless, when Spider-Man Homecoming was released, it was evident that this one was worth the wait. It was a stronger start for the franchise because it didn’t rely on Peter Parker’s well-worn origin tale and provided a more solid framework for the sequel.

Peter, MJ, Ned, and the rest of the gang were convincing high school students who were still naive and curious about the world around them. When it comes to playing Spider-Man, Tom Holland created an effervescent and almost irritatingly buoyant Peter Parker, much like the enthusiastic little sibling you can’t help but love.

2. Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

When the pizza is ready, it’s time. As a follow-up to the first live-action Spider-Man movie, Peter Parker is taken on an incredible journey that plays masterfully on the iconic Spider-Man No More comic plot.

In addition, Alfred Molina’s Dr. Octopus is a terrifying monster. 17 years later, Sam Raimi’s surgical room scenario is still unsettling. On the train, he takes on Spider-Man in a duel that’s a visual treat.

As for the accompanying video game, it was also great; it caught the delight of web-swinging across Manhattan to a degree that wasn’t equaled until the PS4 version in 2018 came out.

1. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)

We had to have two installments of Into the Spider-Verse because it is that wonderful.

Not only is this the best Spider-Man movie ever created, but it’s the best superhero movie ever made, too.

The fast-paced action, the striking visuals, the taut storyline, and the flawless portrayals all contribute to the film’s high quality. There is a wealth of information to be found in Into the Spider-verse, making it a film worth seeing numerous times over. It’s just as memorable now as it was the first time you saw it. It was a wonderful film.