10 Best Avengers Comics That You Should Reading Update 07/2024

Best Avengers Comics

The Avengers have more than lived up to their title of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, so far. Because of the MCU, the Avengers have been a big hit with people for 60 years. In those decades, some of the best superhero stories of all time have been written. Epic stories with Marvel’s biggest heroes and villains have been written.

This group has a lot of great stories. It’s hard to pick the best ones. In the Avengers’ history, there are stories that stand out above the rest. Some of the best things ever made are these old favorites.

1. Operation: Galactic Storm Is An Underrated Epic

Operation Galactic Storm Is An Underrated Epic

For most fans, the ’90s were a bad time for the Avengers. But it wasn’t all bad. This is a good way to say that both the beginning and the end of the decade have some great Avengers stories. The best one is called Operation: Galactic Storm. It ran through Avengers, Avengers West Coast, and the solo comics of team members. It had the Avengers get into a fight between the Shi’ar and the Kree.

Taken from the “Kree-Skrull War,” Operation: Galactic Storm takes the epic scale of that story and cranks it up to eleven. This story is a hidden gem because it talks about the morality of the Avengers fighting in a war and has a lot of action, which makes it fun to read.

2. Avengers (Vol. 1) #185-187 Take Scarlet Witch To Wundagore Mountain

There are a lot of stories in Avengers #185-187 that look into the history of the Scarlet Witch. They also send the team to Wundagore Mountain. There, things start to get crazy. The team has to deal with Scarlet Witch as her powers start to get out of hand.

This is one of the first “crazy Scarlet Witch” stories, and it’s still one of the best ones. The story of how Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch came to be is long and complicated. This story is a high point. On this story, there’s a lot of great talent, and it shows off one of the most famous Avengers lineups of all time.

3. Avengers: Avengers World Begins Jonathan Hickman’s Avengers Epic

Avengers Avengers World Begins Jonathan Hickman's Avengers Epic

This is the best Avengers run of the 21st century. This is a story unlike any other. It started with Avengers: Avengers World, which had art by Jerome Opena and Adam Kubert, but it was written by a different person. In this story, Iron Man puts together the biggest team of Avengers ever to look for the missing Avengers. That’s just the beginning.

First, Avengers World goes for the throat. Hickman is a great artist, and you can see it on every page of this story. On top of that, the art by Opena and Kubert is so good that it shows how big the stakes are in this huge story.

4. Red Zone

On Avengers, Geoff Johns did a good job for two years. “Red Zone” is the best of that time. It has a simple premise: a flesh-eating disease is spreading across the country, and it’s up to the Avengers to stop it. But Johns adds a lot of story to the idea.

Some of the stories on this list have more to say, but this one doesn’t have as much to say. But with a mystery at the heart of it, Johns manages to make it a thrilling ride from start to finish. We also get a look at the work of Olivier Coipel, who is still working on making his art look like the kind we’d see in his run on Thor (though he was certainly no slouch at this juncture).

When you read “Red Zone,” you get a good idea of what an Avengers comic should be like: a fun read that takes full advantage of the characters and ideas that make up the team.

5. Breakout


The Avengers were broken up by Brian Michael Bendis in “Avengers Disassembled.” Then, almost as quickly, Bendis put them back together and decided that the team didn’t need to be made up of stars and scrubs like it had been in the past. There are a lot of people who do Triathlon.

If you think adding Spider-Man and Wolverine to a team is just moving units, this is the start of Bendis’ long-running Avengers story. Sentry and characters like Spider-Woman and Luke Cage became more powerful after he added them.

It would be a place where the best heroes for the job would be called in, instead of being kept in their own corners of the Marvel Universe. People could be Avenger for the first time, and that’s been passed on to the MCU.

6. Young Avengers

If Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung’s Young Avengers weren’t the Avengers, they were still a unique way to move forward with this franchise that was in need of a dose of youth. They also made sure to pay homage to the team’s classic lineup when the Avengers were absent.

When it comes to legacy characters, Marvel doesn’t have as many as their Distinguished Competition. But that didn’t stop Heinberg from putting together his own team, which was based on the older Avengers but had its own problems. People who loved the Avengers stories of old would love this. It was a tribute to the past, but also said that you couldn’t keep putting Captain America in the same situations over and over.

Also, Jim Cheung’s art is a big part of why the show has been so popular. This makes him one of the best Marvel artists of the 2000s, and maybe the best Marvel artist of all time.

7. Avengers Forever

Avengers Forever

Kurt Busiek and Carlos Pacheco may have made the Avengers Forever line-up that was the weirdest of all, but there are likely many more that aren’t.

The Avengers take on Immortus and the Timekeepers in a story that spans many years of Avengers history, as Busiek puts together this team from different points in time. In the end, it turns out to be a celebration of everything that makes the Avengers so great.

8. The Korvac Saga

‘The Korvac Saga’ is one of the first team-ups between the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy. It’s not the kind of team-up you might think of. It’s a story about how power can change someone, and the Avengers aren’t even close to beating Korvac.


It’s been years since Jim Shooter’s story began. It includes a lot of people who are part of the Elders of the Universe, like the Grandmaster, The Collector, and Eternity. If Korvac had just been left alone instead of reimagining himself as Michael, what might have happened to him? Their adventure has left them with the scars.

Almost everyone agrees that a story drawn mostly by George Pérez (with help from Sal Buscema) is beautiful from start to finish, but here we say it anyway. One more reason to read The Korvac Saga is because it’s so good.

9. Behold the Vision! / Even an Android Can Cry

Behold the Vision - Even an Android Can Cry

Because Vision is so important to the Avengers, it’s sometimes weird to see him on his own. This two-part story from Roy Thomas and John Buscema in Avengers #57 and #58 makes him an important member of the team and a great Marvel hero. It truly brings the android Avenger to life with a story full of heart.

In the beginning, Vision is a bad guy who works for Ultron. In the end, he betrays Ultron to save the Avengers. And the issue really focuses on Vision’s humanity and the history of Ultron in this one. Though they didn’t know it, Thomas and Buscema had been talking about how Vision tried to forget the sins his father had done and how he tried to move on.

Vision shows that he is good at what he does, which leads to the tears in the title. Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Ozymandias and Ultron’s decapitated head are shown at the end of the story. This is a chilling ending to an amazing story.

10. Ultron Unlimited

Story: “Ultron Unlimited” shows how the Avengers and one of their biggest enemies, Ultron, have a lot more to say about each other.

In this comic, Kurt Busiek and George Pérez show us something new about an old character that has been around for years. They fill in a gap that adds new depth to an old villain, which makes the character even more interesting and interesting. Hank Pym, the man who made Ultron, had a mind like Jocasta’s and Vision’s, and so did Ultron.

I think it’s a move that makes Ultron more than just an angry creation. It makes him more like Hank Pym and shows the readers that Hank has the ability to become a bad person (something fulfilled years later when he physically bonded with Ultron).

But the story isn’t all about family drama. As Ultron tries to build a huge robot army, the heroes have to fight against every previous Ultron. Pérez does a great job with the fight scenes.

This story also gave some ideas for the movie Avengers: Age of Ultron, where Ultron destroys an entire country.